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Editing - rough draft

Help! Police!...

The sluggish air of a steamy night
Muffles the stealthy sounds
Furtive movement held back from sight
Whilst I made my rounds

My hearing rang with nervousness
Heart pounding with adrenaline
My brain was trying to assess
What could all this really mean?

My eyes beheld an awful sight
Did I really see?
My skin crawled and I took fright
He was on bended knee

Pools of blood and flashing blade
Made my stomach churn
From unholy meat, thin steaks were made
But, from the sight, I couldn't turn

A Distant Longing

Shadows step into
the moon's light, elongate
into imagination....

amoung cave dwellers
painting the scene of an ancient hunt
I am
a dreamwalker walking through the
red dust of desire

The sea is a symphony--
I hear waves crashing
a thousand
cicadas climbing their insect legs
into the drum beat of night

Into the rhythm of blue violins
playing a tzigane rhapsody
the veil of day falls
the dream meets the dreamer
a thousand nightfalls ago

when we were Titans

once upon a time
we laughed

clutched hands
and loved shamelessly
fearlessly protective
when her back was turned

I caught every arrow
dodged every snare
swallowed every poison
until I gasped for breath

reaching for a hand
that is no longer there

once we were Titans

The Space Race... Song, or, The Species of Hate...

The Space Race.. Song, or,
The Species of Hate….

Just a song from a shiny spaceman,
he didn’t really sound so far out.
I wonder if the leaders knew his clan,
are we just living with an alien’s lout?

When he lands will he think we’re odd,
is it best for us to act submissive .
Could he have an answer from a god,
will he be instructed to let us live.

All Mine

Cynthia writes a poem
about the tigress being a lady,
I ask out loud, what choice
do us mere mortals have
between the tiger and the lady
when the tiger
is the lady?

Howsoever the snarl of victory
I am guilty of the unholy state
of digress,
baring my teeth and purring, changing my
stripes into miles of one-way smiles, stealing the lust
from your eyes and making it mine.

All mine.

Colors without Hues ..(Rhyme Crimes WS.Assign 4)

Ah! How blue I am without you,
my colors have lost that vivid hue.
Dark black become my days
and hazy grey paints through my ways.
No light of hope, but fading whites
daily grow with misty twilights.
Greens no more pass my meadows,
only the orange shades and the yellows
are seen in the falling leaves of my trees
while sadly they shed like tears.
No shades of brown for which I die
all are stolen in the hazel of your eye.
Now, please say you're coming soon
so my colors ,again, can sing a happy tune.


Coma static call
from the broken phone down the hall

I can hear you
your whimper

the same moon shinning bright
on us
your thick legs of winter beneath
your grandmothers quilt

fog mist hand stirring our hearts
your breasts against my chest
black birds echo
the etch of pines at the great bank
of the valley decline
makes me shiver

the static hiss
of our careful silences

the longing measured
between us

you always cry
broken hearted

Seven years are not forever

The head of our house said to me
On the day we met at the bar
West wind will bring a sudden change
Taking our woes with it away
Those who heard him thought he was drunk
Darkness hung on the path we walked
Air polluted by billows and burns
We are tired of hearing bomb blasts
We are sick with shame of bloodshed
Seven bad years are not forever

RECLUSE'S DOOR (minor edit)

I built my door of iron and oak
it's thick well made and square.
The latch lifts with a creaky stroke
should I choose to go out there.

It has but a single tiny pane
through which to see the world outside,
to watch the sun or snow or rain
while I stay safely here and hide.

The frame fits tightly all around
barring air when winds blow cold
and admits only muffled sound
should sleet or hail drum loud and bold.


Into violent waters
deep I fall
waiting for the calm
I know will never come

I long to be
on some distant shore
in safety’s keep
beyond horizons far
to sleep
and dream as before.


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