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Editing - rough draft

It's a Battle Lost...

It’s a Battle Lost…

Put your mind in type tell them your thought,
have a little gripe, I’m sure you won’t get caught.
A Herpes monkey sits with a red faced scowl,
we laugh at a diseased dog’s erratic smile or growl.

It’s the same as a punch drunk boxer
who never threw a fight or towel.
Or the vegetarian rock star
who eats everything that’s fowl.

the candy land

I fell into this body
made of sugar and coal
I know I will love it
and forever I will go

and in the past I was someone
but not someone better
just someone different

give me the real
its gone to far to feel
we are in plastic and vice
its all about the price

in the past I was someone
not someone smarter
but someone innocent

give me your eyes
and il never tell goodbye
im confused and young
lets go have more fun

Carrion (Meter workshop)

The stench of flesh so fresh and raw and hewn,
my eye like lense, so dense on meat so strewn,
I crave the drip of blood on beak for noon,
repast ate fast, too gorged to eat too soon.

d a s h i n a r y r e s o l u t i o n z

you qouth me
my dark soul blamed
my heart has skimmed
your universe
thoughts aflamed

now tender missed
and bitter kissed

pressed held
dear with its
quest and furies

its quiet rains
and silent flurries

I hold our
puddle trodden
and blurry

this scar
you've carved
is in no
to hurry

Rula's dactyl tetrameter (Bottom Line WS)

Time isn't a thing that we borrow, but
it is about how you live the tomorrow and  
it is a life, an attempt that you go through so,
time is about what you thoroughly learn to do. 


Bottom line dactyl (Try 3 For Critique)

These are hard and it is becoming longer words than four letters HELP.

Clearly now poets can scribe in a factual way for all
Venturing past our ways poetry talks to me
Working with pride to rejoice in the word of the poet to be
Wesley he told us how writing was flowing a little better you know


Better Now...

I am/ not sure/ of all/ the rules/
I thought/ that they/ were all/ for fools
But now/ I know/ that it/ is good
And I/ o/bey/ like I/ sh/ould


Workshop scansion...

When I/ have fears/ that I/ may cease/ to be
I met/ a trv'ller/ from an/ an/tique land
Shall I/ com/pare thee to/ a sum/ers day?



a calendar
borne of its radiation
like a weed freshet grown
striving life from the harsh
a douse of summer
freezing into snow

when summer softness
blew a heat sufertuge
of colour
on sculpted cheeks
thin with hunger
appellate desire
a consumption of wolves
blown like black
through forest

wear a coat of arms
and put ones heart
in a jar


Sweeter dreams
liquid laced

sun sparkles upon leaves
billowing in falls air

gazing through
the once washed panes

dreams edge fade
upon stark realties

lovers lost
a betrayal
Suns warmth regresses to frost

Stare upon the vacant white screen
Feeling naught
As I sip

Laugher through fingers slip
Dialling for relief
Cost delinquent
Assumed for further ignorance


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