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Editing - polished draft

What I Did That Summer... [An East Main St. story]

We met in the shadowed doorway
The house abandoned years ago
Tentative first kisses
Grew more daring

Couldn't wait for the early morning
Feeding on love rather than lunch
Lips bruised and tongues twisted
Fingers searching

Days of thrills exceeding expectations
Joined together at the hips
Pressed sparkles addicting
Needing more and more

She brought the blanket
I brought soda and peanut butter sandwiches
We knew then....
The promise of our love

walk with me

Mist on the windows
shadows on the walls,
whispers in the night
from far away jaws

Softer are my cries
lighter my steps,
sinking ever deeper
into the depths

Thoughts of childhood
haunt my dreams,
my mothers waiting
eyes, are a gleam

The four walls close in
containing my pains,
hiding from the world
as it steadily gains

Thoughts turn to lists
that will never realise,
choosing to look backwards
at the love's that wont die

Phoenix I

I set myself aflame to purge myself of sin
The fire sears me deep beneath my leper's skin
Yet cannot heal the scars that bleed the heart within
I seek for peace of mind to still my sorrow's din
Alone I've wandered years a Cain of restless path
Blind from acid tears beset by storms of wrath
But neither miles or time can my missteps rescind
The faith of Job is lost drowned in scalding rain
The ghosts of dreams abound of rape by folly slain
They weep and shriek for grace but rot forsaken in their graves

Racing Nights...

The prospect of a ride brightened up my night
Through the inky blackness
Came a set of lights

The car went madly by, as I quickly jumped
The driver was a lady
Whose finger, skyward pumped

She yelled an obscene question, that I barely heard
She was a LADY, did I mention?
I gave her back, the bird

Then the sound of braking, tire squeal and all
Smoking wheels now in reverse
Oh, Lord! I was in thrall

Little blue tent.

You have seen me through some of the darkest
days, when life sapped, soggy, slapping along
the rain riddled streets, enfolded in that
black gossamer gown of the gathered air

wet through, wind puffed, yet sweating too along
the ambivalent day's incline and its
own way of drenching each human, like some
needy nocturne triffid, ambling along the pavement

Destination: Unknown

I have a shirt I like.
I wear it often;
long sleeves, collar, and breast pocket.
I think it's called aquamarine.

And a favorite chair;
arm rests, scooty wheels,
black, of fake leather, my guess.

Living with the familiar,
such as previously mentioned,
facilitates and expedites
excursions of thought.

At the drop of a hat
an adventure begins;
and sometimes,
scary as hell itself.

the dark ages
ferreting out dormant superstitions.

Walking through

Happy, happy faces all around
nobdy is sad. Well, who made up feelings?
Who encaged human beings? - Nobody

Look at nature revolving,
look at men not evolving:
names, gods, theories, numbers...
believe whatever you want to believe
Stop. Begin.

I got my mind and that is my biggest problem
I got my heart and that is my biggest empire

I stepped behind and I broke a glass
I rose up and I touched your smile
So cmon keep reaching the unknown
Slide down beneath the doors.

The Aspiration

I spy a butterfly at play;
its wings, the spring; what one must ink;
it hides to tease, we seek and yay,
I spy a butterfly at play.
We find, and then it guides the way,
and writes with gold what one must think,
I spy a butterfly at play;
its wings, the spring; what one must ink.

Eden Smiled

I ambled among the Daydreams
bathed in sun lit flaunts,
each one graced and charmed it seems
by drops of lemon light taunts.

I relished every single cup
made of silk attire,
each one tall and all grown up
'midst flames of golden fire.

I watched as people stopped and bowed,
stooped to their gala,
each one wooed and nosy wowed
to whiff their perfume parlor.

Street Lamp Lean

splashing rainbows over
the slow motion silence of a veiling fog

the muffled thump of a car door
a woman, fading away

a distant dog howls

the infernal damp,
creeping lowdown and mean,
lapping mist from oil slicked puddles

a harbor horn bellowing in fear,
buoys clang,
blinded hope, sinking

seabirds scatter


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