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Editing - draft


In a sea of torment, what
hides behind screams back
at you from the other side.

Sleep deprived eyes within
shrunken cavernous hollows,
A deep dread bleeds through
bloodshot focus, blurring reality's
segmented mortality's.

From the hidden depths of your
immortal soul thoughts collide
and swirl, an unthinkable hellish
glare can hardly bear ridged body
nightmare stare.

Haiku:(5-7-5) The River

The river runs free
between sunrise and sunset
into waterfalls

Rules to adhere to, in Life_#1-Work on my Ibs.

It's really rather humorous,
in a whimsical sort of way
how, "work on my Ibs" sounds like an exercise program,
"Wow, workout only ten minutes a day!"

But, It's neither ibs, nor abs, that I'm addressing here,
it's my irritable bowel syndrome sounds,
that pre-fart situational audio
that's more embarrassing by leaps, and bounds.

2010 December Storms and Blizzard

Freezing cold fell on the South Coast
frigid temperatures turned roads to ice
deep freeze spoiled fruits on trees
New Orleans's youngsters seeking warmth died in fire

Rain storms fell on the West Coast
mud slides covered homes and cars
people dug their way out
bracing up for another winter down pour

Snow storms fell on the East Coast
snowflakes covered homes and cars
no place to park, but in the streets
cleared by snow plows earlier in the eve


Easing down a wooded valley
on a bit of sylvan salley
late April or early May
an altogether pleasant day.

The forest in a deep new green
providing a cool leafy screen
from the late afternoon heat;
honeysuckle blossoms smelling sweet.

As my legs and feet begin to tire
I decide to sit and just admire.
Well now, there's a perfect stump
upon which to perch my rump.

I sit down and take a rest
in midst of springtime woodland quest
when a mocking bird alights near
and it shows no sign of fear.


craving your kiss
hungry for your arms
soothing sleep eludes,
absent of your breath
whispering in my ear.

Ever Again

You push me like a broken door
But I refuse to sway
Just tell me what you’re looking for
And I will change my ways

You say I won’t understand
That I should just let us break

It’s not that I don’t care
It’s just hard to show
You’re poisoning the air
It’s getting hard to know

You say I can’t understand
That I should just let us break

But I can’t say goodbye, to you anymore
I just can’t let you, walk out that door
Cause when you say goodbye to me
I know that we will never be
…Ever again


I sit and watch the snowflakes tumble
as above the storm clouds freeze and crumble;
the first white wonder of the year
whose ending now is almost here.

A few wet flakes fell at last light
by full darkness the ground was white.
I look by flood light out my back door
while snow obscures my sun deck's floor.

The last snow here on Christmas day ?
I'm not old enough to say.
I moved here in nineteen sixty five
both grandparents were still alive.


Following a guiding star
so long ago and far away
three strangers traveled oh so far
( what did they do along the way?)

On their way to a small town
in a poor and arid land
sleeping nights on stony ground
or on good nights, soft shifting sand

When they finally saw the swaddled child
and gave the gifts that they had brought
as the infant faintly smiled
did they know how he'd change human thought ?



I live alone since she left
Nothing replaces what I had
Always had a glint in her eye
Christmas is a time to be sad

I moved away to start again
But nothing helps me to forget
Upon her face always a smile
Christmas, a day full of regret

Without fail it comes every year
And I'm supposed to give good cheer
A lousy tree and pathetic lights
A dark winter full of freezing nights


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