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Editing - draft


Seren thought I should stream this.........................

Again the cordite fills the air
stinging eyes
bringing shocked cries
causing flashbacks
of fortune's roll call

Echos of gunfire
filling a generation
with the feeling of
might have beens

Mr. Gizmo

There's this being that moves, staccato;
moves so swift, he has no shadow,
his demeanor has no, "check"...

..with his senses always reelin';
knock you down, with no hard feelin's;
Mr. Gizmo's had a wreck!

No rhyme, or reason for each antic,
he'll leave your "fung-shue~", something frantic...
..make your heart go, "golly, heck"!

A hurricane's about to happen,
soon your patience will be snappin';
Mr. Gizmo's had a wreck!


Some people don't have much to do
and I'm about to prove that's true
in this tale about a learned buddy
a statistician named McGillicuddy.

Not long ago he got to thinkin'
'bout dinosaurs and all their drinkin'.
To be sure that his facts weren't wrong
he called Asian paleontologist, Fong .

How long did dinosaurs hold sway ?
How much water did they drink each day ?
and during their long domination
what was their average population ?

Elegy for a Chance Encounter

Who will speak his fond farewell
By those who knew him as I did
From a brief and chance encounter?
While others in attendant rows
He so better known to them,
Speak the first of last and lasting
Memories built from closer, longer,
While my quiet unsaid murmur
Calls to all anonymous others,
Whom this man, this George
Briefly zested with his life,
By his relished erudite flourish
They answer now unheard, unseen
For all our non-eulogized encounters,
For the more than ephemeral effects


Each time I leave my door I see
far mountain ridges taunting me
their deep valleys and steep hill sides
never again will feel my strides

For my story has way too much past
the years have caught me up at last
yet I still have my memories
of traipsing among tall spruce trees

And wading rivers and catching trout
where riffles murmur and rapids shout
walking far to set up camp
ignoring both the cold and damp



Your desire to be accepted
Has left you blind to the truth
You're laughing stock
Behind your back they laugh and mock

You think you're respected
But actually you're rejected

Your need to be recognised
Has blinded you from reality
You're laughing stock
Behind your back they snigger and mock

You believe you are venerated
But actually you are humiliated


I went back to the inspiration for the 1st poem I ever wrote..............

Come my dear and walk with me
as I travel down this path.
Who knows what sights we may see
or our journey's aftermath?

Let's stroll slowly holding hands;
we'll often stop to rest
while seeing ever newer lands
pausing at the views which we like best.

We'll help each other ford the streams
and scale the steeper grades
sharing all our doubts and dreams
while hearing song bird serenades.

Two stripy kittens

Two stripy kittens
Impatient for lunch
One was called Tabby the other was Munch.

Eagerly waiting
They both stood to beg
Loudly meowing and rubbing my leg.

Cute tiger Tabby
Flicking her tail
Attacked and swiped the poor ginger male.

His hair stood on end
He gave her a cuff
And said in a low voice “that’s quite enough”.

It’s time for dinner
There’s no time for play
His ears went back and he pushed her away.


I just saw the monthly housing report and thought to dig this out of the old site.................

I hear you banging on my door
a sheriff's deputy
and I know what you're here for
you've come to evict me

Easy to tell you don't like this
on days like this your job you hate
in duty you can't be remiss
I'm coming! Can't you wait !

I lost my job two years ago
when all the banks went bust
I had a little savings though
now gone, dreams turned to dust



Loneliness leads me to madness
Standing on the precipice
Of survival and defeat
Where life and death
Finally meet

Loneliness leads me to sadness
Standing at the crossroads
Of truth and deceit
Where courage and fear
Finally meet

And so I choose
From options
Aimed to confuse

And so I choose
From options
I can't diffuse

Solitude leaves me so helpless
Falling from the precipice
Of honesty and cheat
Where right and wrong
Finally meet


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