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Editing - draft

A light history in meandering

If I walk slowly now, they catch up with me
I squirm and face the horizon
Trying to avoid
The mildew and mould of the ancient thing
Any whiff of it, a vague and present torture in slow motion

They Don't Know, They Shouldn't

as stars burn out when night is day
her heart takes fleeting beat
i walk with glass embedded heels
and blame my careless feet

the girl walks 'round with green and red
she'll have her choice in men
and yet she yearns for more and more
her fingers greed 'til then

she said one day might hold for us
a love of different kinds
i wonder if she too is plagued
in her heart and her mind


There's a tall ship in the harbour,
Waiting for the evening tide,
Dewdrops fall, like tears, from rigging,
Weeping for my clan's lost pride.

Morning mist lies on the water,
Footprints fading in wet sand.
I am boarding with my kinsmen
Never more to see this land.

In the glen our houses burning,
As the Earl's men torch the roofs,
Burnt - out ruins scar the landscape,
How will others find the truth?

A Tab For The Heartstrings

out of six strings
the girl has two
she knows what she wants
and that seems like nothing
she's cluless in her perfect world

out of six strings
the girl has four
she knows what she thinks is need
no one has changed like she swears they have
and he has done nothing wrong

out of six strings
the boy has eight
i know he cares
he just doesn't know what to do
or what to say

Downtown Sellout

I was kicked in the the face,
beat up and pulled away,
left astray,
So I took a little walk,
And ended up at the boulevard,
And as I glanced back at the road I had walked on,
I was amazed as to how far from home I had come from,
So I stared the city in the face,
And once more I was amazed,
To realize how much society had lost its grace,
It was never that hard to keep a steady pace,
But no one will raise a voice in this fake place,
So I carried on,
To this day I walk on,

A Dark Minds Vista

The darkness of my cell
Keeps me still and quiet
As turmoil surrounds this hell

Laagering protecting my sanity
Has invited invaders into sanctuary
Distorting my self-made reality

Wild aborigine’s fire salvos
Cavorting in the flames of night
Their hellish dancing demands bravos

Not from where I am spectating
But from the vantage point of minions
While my walls begin incinerating

Out of the depths come cold fingers
Methodically pulling away at my gate
As I hear the canto of devilish singers

All In My Head

you tore through my memories
and took what you wanted
until you were the only thing left.
you burned a dream on my eyes
and it made too much sense
how my unconscious can be so unkind
and i couldn't sleep because
i couldn't close my eyes
every time i did you were there
stealing memories
branding dreams.
the eyes are windows to the heart
and sometimes the shades get heavy
and start slipping
so i let them slide;
maybe if i faced you in my head
i could get some sleep

Rejection and You Saw It Coming

another tear to shine my guitar
another stitch to rip out of a scar
another regret i regret that i had
but it's all that i ever had left

another knife to cut out my soul
my heart's beating backwards, i'm out of control
and don't say you're sorry, sweet sorrow is crushing
you can't hear her cry over red river rushing

do me a favor and let me forget
unplug your phone and get out of my head
i never knew anyone could be too close
but sometimes your memories are what i miss most


I see my dream in plain view
I only watch
We have our arms
We will not raise them
No one is dreaming any further
The light has stopped flickering beside me
It must mean the thoughts have ceased
No one will reach for the dream.


he took my paper heart
and folded it into a plane
threw it to the wind
and all my efforts were in vain
he stole my ink, my life
and wrote his name over again
he sits and grins and writes my death
and bleeds me through his pen
my bones have bent so many times
but never have they broke
yet then i felt the subtle crack
with every word he spoke
my body's cold, my breath is hot
my knives are sharp when mind is not
and right now they are all i've got
that listen.


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