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I'd like to capture a rainbow and
stick it in a big box so that, anytime
you wanted to you could reach in and
pull out a piece of sunshine.

I'd like to build you a mountain that
you could call your very own. A place
to find serenity in those times when you
feel the need to be closer to yourself.

I would like to be the one who is there with
you when you're lonely or troubled or
you just need someone to hold on too.
I would like to do all this and more to make
your life happy.

But, sometimes it isn't easy to do the
things I would like to do or give the
things I would like to give.

So. . . . until I learn how to catch rainbows
and build mountains, let me do for you
that which I know best.

Let me simply be your friend!

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
[This option has been removed]
Editing stage: 



author comment

Hi Pixee,

This poem needs to be pared down imo. And yes, friendship is the best!

I'd like to capture a rainbow and
stick it, wiggling, into a big box,
pull out your own piece of sunshine
anytime you were a little blue

(If you stick it into a box, it evokes a bit of *wriggling* for me.)

I'd like to build you a mountain that
you could call your very own. A place
to find serenity in those times when you
feel the need to be alone.

(A good place for a rhyme I think.)

Hope you don't mind,

Thank you for you comment K. i appriciate it very much.
I appreciate your time to critique my poem.



author comment

Actually, I liked this one as it is...

I like the simplicity of your words and on reading this aloud, I found your verses have an interesting sense of meter.

They flow well.

Of course, I am a lyricist more than a poet, so my emphasis has always been on meter and flow.

That said, I enjoyed the content too. A sweetly expressed sentiment.

I look forward to reading more of your work here...


I am glad to hear from your. I have seen you on
the post. i have just recently returned to the site. I have
been away from it for over a year and it feels good to be
back. I am proud to have someone like yourself enjoy my
poem. I thank you for your time and critiquing my poem.
I hope to comment on your poems as well. I am not
very good at critiquing others poems. I just write them
so to speak. i will give it my best to comment on more
poems including yours. Thank you again my friend.



author comment

This is quite good, I like it very much.

I think that you could pare this down a bit, though, and make things flow and have more cadence.

For example, the 2nd stanza:

I'd like to build you a mountain that
you could call your very own. A place
to find serenity in those times when you
feel the need to be closer to yourself.

I'd like to build you a mountain
you could call your very own,
a place to find serenity in those times
you feel the need
to be closer to yourself.

Of course, this is just my take, only my opinion: your edit, should you choose to make it, would be very different.

I really do like the ending very much.

Respectfully, Race

"Laws and Rules don't kill freedom: narrow-minded intolerance does" - Race-9togo

So sorry it took me so long to respond. I appreciate you critiquing my poem. It always help when someone responds to my poems. It makes me just that much more better as a poet. Thank you for your critiquing and your candor.

Poetry is the living soul of the writer.

author comment
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