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let's only share

great you
your mission of sharing
is greater
that’s been my mission
ever since I was born
whilst others did yawn
we all don't know much
but we pretend to be
Ah! Know all
our knowledge shared
brings each one closer
be not a miser
in self knowledge exposure
a lot out there have to learn

in life’s lessons
their fingers they burn
help them to save
the cost of a balm

reading us
bring forth intelligence
a charm
where’s the harm
look not to cents alone,
out of 7.5 billion
only ten friends
you will ever own….

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


sharing is one of the great traits ever and it becomes greater when
the giver doesn't ask to be paid back, if that makes sense.

I understand your craving for more sharers, Let's hope they will increase
through out the days.

I think you need to reduce the use of 'and' as its repitition really weakens the structure of your piece.
All in all a simple piece with a good message.
Thanks for sharing as always.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

welcome and taken
let this and stand


author comment

As with Rula some of the and's are redundant, though the last one can stay, what more can I say lol.
It's the start of another day here in the UK, it will reach out and touch you soon, the weather is a little overcast but it is cool so enjoy.
I don't expect you to read about Digit but am of the opinion now that it matters not what we write as there are only a few that comment now.
It is a shame there are some good works here and they are being ignored.
I am sometimes worried that this site may get the label of not caring.
Poets all over the world write on many sites as you and I, and the word is spread slowly but it happens. I shall have to write a Blog or some self destruct piece lol.
Take care young Bard, Digit on his trip to London made reference to you, as he went to the Globe theatre to watch "The Merchant of Venice" though he was disappointed in the end No blood...
Take care Yours Ian.T
PS:- just looked up and it was 9-11 and I thought Not again for some reason...

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

What a thought provoking poem. We can share and learn from each other - especially lifes experiences. Sadly we are so busy trying to make a living that freindship and sharing knowledge takes a sideline but Money isn't everything, friends are far more valuable.

LOved the message, loved the poem.

Thanks for sharing.

LOve Mand xxxxxx

( sorry about the capital O's it happens every time, I'm just to lazy to de-capitalize it )

LOved yOur cOmments
caps intended
thanx O


author comment

Glad you lOved my cOmments, they where spoken from the heart. xxxxx

when it's an open heart
you know how docs do
open heart surgery
none can see but me


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