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"Wasting the While in Winter White Wash"

(The flesh like film). he washes the stop baths,
the fixture on elements desired.

But the radiation has crept in, A web of eyes upon
the house stolen.

The anger seeped in like roots of a tree,
atop a chimney lain seed.

Esker. March 12 2013.

Editing stage: 


About? Nice images but I couldn't make meaning

how dysfunnction like typhoid
slips in and makes a guest
of the house....

Thank You!

(how its washed over...rising like a dark water
until everyone learns how to swim in it...
the ballet of creatures....)

author comment

even after that clarification . Perhaps playing a little with the title would make it easier .
I loved the image here though

The anger seeped in like roots of a tree,

A typo........dysfunnction


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

no one can catch it though

Fun in Dis function!!
there never really is
Is there?


Thank You!

author comment
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