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Legal eagle

Yesterday I stood in court
Arguing my reality
The Judge he was a decent bloke
The lawyer disassembled me

My case reversed I duly fled
Hoping no return
Another date lodged in my head
On which the point could turn

Will I make a tidy sum?
Will I be the winner?
Or end up kicked out on me bum
Not thousand dollars richer?

The law you see is not too just
The case will turn on law
They want proof, that's all they ask
Not what he said or saw

But sometimes words can sway their vision
Judges are human beings
Justice is a difficult mission
Or so to me it seems

I got to court another day
This difficult case to fight
Wondering what I have to say
To make them see my plight

Are legal systems all about
Our bid to obtain money?
Or freedom from harassing louts
And words that just aren't funny?

Do I have a case me lud?
What was that word you said?
Will my name end up being mud?
What was the proof you read?

After many many years
and many many cases
I am surprised that all these tears
Didn't wash away the traces

Of that deep eternal hope
That justice will be done
In British courts where knowing the ropes
Provides a tidy sum

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How does this theme appeal to you?
Last few words: 
What is the purpose of the law court? Who has fallen foul of it? I have on many an occasion but still I carry on
Editing stage: 


A good write on the law and places they hide in their wigs to frighten and subdue the masses, just a little tidy here and there nothing serious.
At the moment in the UK we have the "CPS" which are becoming Judge and jury to the average person, this is one of the reasons that perverts can get away with Rape and paedophilia as was the case of that animal saville..
In the family I have here in Leicestershire they have thrown out abuse of My wife's family without a second thought for the victim's.
They make me so angry and they are the small number that I ever get angry at.
I hope you have better treatment than us up here, You take care out there it is a bad world and you need lots of money to make a change, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

So did Anne's case just flounder or wasn't there enough proof?

author comment

The CPS just say as there isn't enough evidence we can't go any further.
Judge and Jury where is the justice gone, hope some have better luck, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I'm always so pleased to see a rhyming poem that it leaves me without critical thought lol. As to the legal system. The few times I've been involved with it, it seems the main focus is to drag things out as long as possible. Guess this is good for lawyers but terrible for justice. I really liked this, enough so to return later to look it over a bit closer..................stan

Of the none rhyming poems on here are so thought provoking.I agree with Ian does need a bit of a tidy!

author comment

Of the none rhyming poems on here are so thought provoking.I agree with Ian does need a bit of a tidy!

author comment

well in my experience

all human beings are fishermen
the religious
the malicious
the rich and the neighbour
all try to praise you
then push you
as any legal or doc does
and you without any fuss
you dole out 2000 dollars
lest you hang by your neck

every one round the world ...
round the clock
is fishing
in rhyming poetry you too are fishing
for lovelier comments ..
fisher woe of man!


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