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Tiger and Owl

I Tiger

Tiger not too bright any more
the treats for your pelt
as heartfelt for your extinction
as sincere, the reward for finding you again

Out there among beer, flags and football teams
lost in emblem now the form of you
yawning there in the grainy footage
At the Zoo in 1936

Do I feign a pall of consternation?
at your assassination by inversion
of the time we owed to you
Tiger, unrepentant repeated now

By those dim lights in facsimile
I can only see you through imperfect glass
that reflects our painted nostalgic image
still looking, looking in for you

II Owl

In the park sits Owl
High on bench and drenched
in the mangle of branches and shadow
Feet, like children's feet barely making ground

And contact with the daydreaming past is found
In here, a verdant green retreat from
The line of lost beauty in that other retractable world
I worm myself from each day,

to take in:
The nursing birdsong, lost leaves and sweet damp gifts of green
That in the bowers lost might be
Swinging easy, my way.

And the ringed hermetically sealed
Shadows that mark time in the trees
The gaps that fall between the degrees
Of epochs greater than mine

No bottle of wine, no needle pointing south, no pill
Just gallons and gallons of air, to be gulped and thrilled at.
To be gulped and gulped down.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Last few words: 
Actually a bit sneaky, 2 poems in one, a meditation on my favourite lost animal, the Tasmanian Tiger (or Thylacine:, only visible in the museum (yes we have one) - and surrounded by many myths and a plethora of "sightings" The other creature is an Owl, although in this context somewhat anthropomorphized, in the park.
Editing stage: 


these are really nice tributes to your favorite animals (as you have clarified in your footnote).
For some reason, I read this sometimes as prose with brakes more than poetry. Perhaps the long lines gave that impact.
Thanks for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Hi Rula,

Thanks for your feedback. I have adjusted and (hopefully) balanced the overall tone i was attempting to convey in "Tiger". It is a bit prose-ish, I would agree, but hopefully with a rhythmic feel with underlying it, which is my aim.

I shall endeavour to make more time for NP - and more timely replies :) and read more of the content here, just been a bit time poor lately.

Take care,


Chris Hall - Tasmania

Grossbooted draymen rolled barrels dullthudding out of Prince's stores and bumped them up on the brewery float. On the brewery float bumped dullthudding barrels rolled by grossbooted draymen out of Prince's stores.

author comment

the ego..
cats are the feral clean up now...
the kiwi

the owls just too clever like wolves
swiftness and smart
but here the passenger pigeon
in its mutlitudes hunted to nothing

a very clean write
with great notations of observations
on nature

the "Tiger" I remember well...the vids
its distinct call....I have a shar pei
fourth line from wolf and almost
hunted too extinction or removed
and saved..ours is a clean genetic
and strong copy from all the other
blurry saves....
in 1938 when they had the last
zoo kept breeding pair I believe
they were fairly strong the code
in them.....

the fear of man
and soon the real tigers and
others will follow
just the owl
to remind us of our folly

thank U

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