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raspberry essence
on crushed ice, sun bled rivers
into woolly clouds

Editing stage: 


I liked your vision. To me it is more a Haiku than a Senryu because I do not notice a human element in the 5-7-5 sequenced lines. However, if you could tweak line 3 by providing a verb it would be better...may be like..

raspberry essence
on crushed ice, sun bled rivers
rises unto clouds


raj (sublime_ocean)

agree with you Raj. In fact, I first put Haiku and then I changed it to Senryu - was a little confounded.

Thanks anyway. Appreciate your visit and comment.


PS: I was also not happy with the word "Woolly" - cliched but I couldn't find a better word.

Leonard Daranjo

"When the waiting stops, the living begins"

author comment

I saw a sunset like this a couple of days ago. Agree with Raj. This is purely *nature*.


after such a long silence. I always remember one your most succinct and powerful comments on a poem which you felt - and indeed it was - was to philosophical: "Leonard, where is the heart". That really got to me. That one line said it all. At that time, I didn't say it but I have always wanted the oppportunity to tell you this.

I am glad you like my Haiku and even more so about getting back in touch. Your comment "I saw a sunset like that a few days ago" says it all.


Leonard Daranjo

"When the waiting stops, the living begins"

author comment

love the imagery on this one but raj is right. This is a haiku, not a senryu.


I do agree with you and Raj - it is indeed Haiku. I was a littlle confused.

Thanks again


Leonard Daranjo

"When the waiting stops, the living begins"

author comment

This is an awesome painting with words.
Don't have any suggestions , but as I see you are not happy with 'woolly'. I thought maybe 'cotton'- which is fluffy, might be an alternative, but you know better.
Thanks for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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I really appreciate your stopping by and commenting. I feel honored by your comment.


Leonard Daranjo

"When the waiting stops, the living begins"

author comment

What a wonderful thing to say, Leonard. And that's so true, we never ever know what type of impressions we leave on one another's minds let alone in their hearts.

I'll take the heart any day. :-) The mind plays too many tricks on itself. :-)

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