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Community News

This week the Neopoem is


 Whistle Stop Grove by Izzi Reinier


Let us congratulate Izzi Reinier on his first contest win as a neopoet member.

This week the Neopoem is


Poetic Creations by Mark


Let us congratulate Mark on his latest contest win.

This week the Neopoem is


there you are by  leoferaco


Let us congratulate leoferaco on his latest achievement.

Neopoet Weekly 03/31/24 to 04/06/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is Alex Tanner


Let us congratulate Alex Tanner on his latest achievement.

March 2024 Contest Winners!

Congratulations to our contest Winners 


Mother Nature  contest  was won by Lavender with the poem To My Monarch and Her Milkweed

03/24 New Member Contest was won by lostLA with the poem insights of a orphan

03/24 I Was Bullied was won by Candlewitch with the poem Ramming Speed!

03/24: What My Best Friend Gave Me was won by  Mark with the poem What My Best Friend Gave Me

03/24 Looking At The Stars was won by Alaethia D with the poem Dear Heart, One More Time

03/24 My Favorite Pet was won by  Alex Tanner withy the poem My Pal Jet.

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



the sky inverts into a blue lagoon
as we elope in zero gravity
levitating in a bubble all our own
only madness can create
steering it with our bodies squirming
limbs thrashing, passions soaring

suddenly as the bubble bursts
we dive in the blue lagoon with a big splash
with stars in your eyes
glowing in the aftermath
of our madness and buoyant frenzy
snowballing into ecstasy

A crack in the shell

In the shell of my refine taste
polished by years
and yet covered with barnacles
my silky unsegmented self
lays comfortably.

I am well-nourished in my habitat,
read William Carlos Williams
and listen to Bach.
But what if the shell cracks?

Red wheelbarrow glazed by rain
neatly parked near white chickens
will roll away.

The fate of Love

My heart sucks in waters of love,
No one knew i was shipwrecked
Before the wreckage
I was pretty piled up with pure conscience.

Thanks to this love!

Dis[s ]agreement:

Time to display concerted might
Two nays suffice to break the deal
No one else seems to know what's right
To most it’s agreed ideal

Unilateralism senseless
Better agree to disagree
Forbearance does not make one less
Same peer treatment will set you free


Moon light slips and seeps to touch
your delightful savoury curves as I peep
let my fingers trace their softness
to bring you pleasure quivers of joy,

Uncovered your glow with warmth
tremble in desire as my tongue probes
freely invade the privacy of your body
taking turns to lick dig and delve with zeal,

Raving uproars, barbaric clamour for more
induce a mayhem of desperation within
surge of a breathless surrender to my whim
cool work, widen’s resources to my glee,

Of Death Be Not Afraid

Don't ever be scared
just remember
you are like a coin
with two sides

one side is Birth
the other Death
be satisfied
you have only been brought
so that after a while
when Time has rot
you are also not forgot

as you must exit also

it's no curse
but a ticket
with which you came along.

The burden of living will be lightened
Death of course must come

Docs only help you
to naturally and quietly succumb

To Play with the Blood

You must feel the heartbreak in the minor chord
You must feel the urgency of perfect pitch
From a choir echoing in the catacombs
You must praise the bees heavy with pollen
Whose buzzing is an engine of spinning wings
You must stare into the eyes of the Odalisque
You must embrace the lions engorged with meat
And allow the crippled vultures to eat the bones
You must accept the cruel indifference of pain
Which screams and cries in wordless shock
You must rejoice in lust and nakedness

True Remembrance

With blood soaked uniforms,
They hung their weary heads,
Faces that wore the joys of laughter,
Now riddled and tortured by the dead.
Why did they do it?
It was not their battle to fight,
But it was their sons wives & daughters,
That cried into the night.

The fat cat bureaucrat,
Played games of self and stature,
But his blood currency was never paid,
He moves these pawns of war and destruction,
To manoeuvre a military blockade.

Going Forward

We are each
Haunted or blessed
In our waking.

We are all
On a private
Or social

Going forward.

Does the deer
Have trouble
Rousing itself,
Come evening --

With the frightening
Thoughts of hunters
Or mountain lions,
Or home-bound traffic
On too hard streets?

Or does waking
Come easily,
Eager to see
The red sun
In the western sky,

The long, sweet
Face of its
Brother or sister

My “friend”

I have a friend,l’ve known her all my life,
But lately she visits more often out of spite,
She’s irrational and out of her mind,
Her rhyme and reason I try to find,
She jumps to conclusions,
Creates situations and delusions,
She drives me insane!
But I still say I’m fine…,
She doubts every choice ,
Creates a quake in my voice,
Sending me on a downward spiral to my dismay,
I deal with her everyday,

Do you know her?


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.