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Whistle Stop Grove

There's A Shady Grove Where The Morning Sun Gives Birth, 'Neath The Boughs Of A Sycamore Tree Where It Teases Mother Earth,

Where The Dew Drops Glisten On To The Grassy Verge And The Ants In Frantic Cycle,
As To Their Lives Purposeful Worth,

"Old Shep " Walks By As To Survey His Dominion, This Empire Soon To Awaken To His Heirs Timely Arrival,

His Majestic Prescence In This Perfect Morning Glory, Wary Of Unwelcome Foe's And Un witting Rivals,

Lost Love.

Should I recall those blissful times
When we like climbing flowers entwined;
Our blossoms scented evenings air
As Love and Lust forsook our cares.

Your laugh was soft and gentle,
A butterflies wings in spring,
Dancing on the sunbeams
Enough to make me sing.

Eyes so bright they sparkled
Diamonds on moonlit snow;
Flashing hither and thither
To make my pulse race so.

We held each other gentle
Yet tight so not to break,
Though deep, our love could never last,
Different paths our lives would take.

Tattletales And Gossip

Daffodils...those early spring gossips which come to tattle on summer every
year, are my favorite flower.

Don't get me wrong, crocus, tulips and others have been known to gossip and
tattle as well.

Every spring I listen as the flowers tell their tales, the birds vocalize their
wisdom, while the sun brings forth precious rays to offer encouragement to all.

It seems as though every season has its gossips who find it necessary to tattle
on the season ahead, also on one another.


She could not stop questioning why I loved her.
How could I choose her? She used her scars as weapons,
cutting the offering into ribbons of doubt and hesitation,
never able to accept my assurances with her cutlass drawn.

Night meets light!

The darkness breaks, the dawn arrives
the blackened night confounded.
The spirit voice, which speaks within
consoles and is resounded!
Gently now, it calls to you
comforts and surrounds you.
The guilt you feel is swept away.
Release the past behind you!
Your memory the battleground
no longer seeks to find a cure
accepting natures calling!

Forged in Fire

Out of the darkness, he pulled me
with all his strength and grace.

He swept me up and carried me
through the fire.

He tore down my walls and
Used the stones for our foundation.

His hand kisses my cheek
And wipes away the tears

He tends to my wounds
And holds me as I heal

Forged in fire
Our bond is unbreakable

Blessed am I,
For I know love in its purest form

The Plea

I bent over
to pluck

the full-faced

its sun-burst bloom

its pointed leaves

as its tangled roots
clentched the earth for mercy

My Darling Orchid

tiny bud unfurls
blossom dips her silken face
humble elegance


Today's journey took me to farms and fields
and past a five acre pasture
whose dark green was nearly overcome by a weed's yields
wherein grazed no cattle beneath skies azure
eating yellow weeds as well as green.

This brought memories of younger years
and drinking milk with cornbread
when my future was unmarked by fears.
With naught but good dreams sharing my bed.
Before my belly shook like jello.

You’re my ride or die

In an endless garden of flowers, I will always pick you.
And if you were a star, I would gaze by the window till dawn.
Because I have found the one whom my soul loves.
You are beautiful my love, the is no flaw in you.
And you are making my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes.
I just love you with every beat of my heart to be honest.
You are just like a moon, busy grieving on patches you have, unaware of the fact that your light illuminates my world.

I have found the one whom my soul loves.


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