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An Immortal Vice

An Immortal Vice..

In the glass house there was a pen,
coffee loyalty card plus a dice.
Belief, to mend all that he’d broken,
but still he knew they were only a vice.

A roll of the dice never harmed a sole,
while scribing words were so painful.
As the ink dried scribbles took their toll,
he felt a gambler’s unbalanced approval.

The vice was just a crack from the surface,
creating all sort of dither, fear and loss.
Delusions took hold with such finesse,
alluding the misconception, of a final toss.


there's someone out there somewhere in forever
my complement, regardless where I am
in ageless rhythm with my soul-mate’s heart
I celebrate the beauty of existence

our purpose and agendas always rhyme
my someone knows my innermost desires
through time, through void and through the in-between
he travels with me, daydreams them with me

we missed each other in this manifest
imposters tempt and try my very soul
but I will wait until this sojourn ends
see out this mission here now on my own

Tough & Hard Enough! (Mindful Memorable) #7

 If in written words
 I wanted to tell
how much I owe you
I'd need some more forests
with more trees 

I'd need more tears to flood
(the ink of the eyne)
to evince my real gratitude
for a heart I thought is mine.

Hence I'll quit the clichéd words
and quietly decline
leaving a blank piece of paper
with a naked simple sign




Goodbye my love
our times have come and gone
we passed through a luxuriant hallway
filled with obstacles and end tables
wall mounted swords on mahogany and velvet
as red as the candles we've burned
as red as the blood from my finger
as you drew it across your lips
The color seemed to suit you

Winter Dusk

At the close of winter days,
On which the sun has paid an unexpected call,
The orange red sunset painted on the aqua sky,
Is soon mixed into a muddy gray.
All appears suspended in motionless anticipation,
Waiting for day and night to decide whose turn it is to stay.
In those several seconds,
Just before night tucks in the day,
Beneath a polka-dotted blanket,
The child's mind is drawn to all the events just past.
Within this recollection then is made the silent wish,



I saw the eagles fly
a dance of two
across the vast in blue
wings in tandem

one was pulled away
into a cloud darkly grey
by an unknown

I saw an eagle fly
a dance of one
across a lonely sky
with singular


Once a time and long ago
breathed a man who lived for show.

Cheap illusion pragmatic~
credo, maxim, catholic.

All he held as true was hid.

Self decepted invalid,
callous liar, thespian,
false his gaze, untrue mien~

truly though he fostered love.

Not due faith in stars above,
fearing flames unseen below.

Love unearned he did not sow
inexplicably was grant.

Seldom do the seeds we plant
generate such honest weal.

If our lies are what we feel,
sooth is best o’erlooked ‘twould seem~

Beauty And The Beast

There she runs,
Bamby of the woods of his heart,
frolicking about the low leaves
and high roots.

Look, she joys in the freedom
of the trees,
holding back the world
like some ancient harness
that binds the black god
to his stool.

There's her innocence,
leaping in the mist,
drinking of the ambience
of courtly bird songs.

He sees through the eyes
of a crouching beast:
He picks up her scent,
and his decorum is vanquished.

early wakeful hours

another night when sleep
is devoured

out of darkness
to coolly caress my cheek
a gentle
spring’s breath flutters
laced with the taste of
bitter-sweet memories

a melancholic melody
a ballad that recalls past simple days
sends soft slow blues
wending to meet my soul
with reflections on what
now seem fiction stories

an alien mass sits
inside my chest
a surreal loss of control
sends pain
that rides burnt waters to my eyes

Just across the ocean

I always wondered friend,
where you had gone into
hibernation of silence
even though you do love
most of mine
this one I just a while ago,
composed at a friend’s place,
the time was up
but I couldn't edit it.

Now you choose to comment on it
with your lovely sentiment...
Lovedly one
Not many, rather any know me,

nor will you ever too,
but on the first day of each month,
I do remember you.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.