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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I need sweets

i'm running out of sugar
the one that makes life taste better
the color!!
it doesn't really matter
it could be white or brown
or of lavender

anything that'd sweeten my days
when they taste bitter and sour.

What a wondrous godforsaken hellish
cold place, to get committable…

Precious pieces in patterns perfect,
that’s how they made the tree of Yew.
Then wooden seating for sitting silent,
please if you dare, sit down, take a pew.

I have no truck with god or religion,
but that don’t mean I’m morally bad.
Can’t see the point, I think it’s a con
to worship a leader in a draughty pad. Fad.


We have to rebirth,
the soul of this planet
praying it be cleansed
and gentled evermore,
but as nails keep piercing
hands reach to smooth
her scared shroud

It has to be worshipped
like the apostle to the apostles,
but with a feast of celebration
everyday, dressed in her finest,
she must be read and chronicled
by scribes across the ages

This poem fights each word

No muscle blood or flesh
Just this irritating
A mouth without a head
Whining constantly for food
Never adequately fed
Demanding all the time for more-
But will not lift or sing
Or even form
Some perfect thing

Just a grumblement of words-
That make no sense
An incoherent mess-
No poem here at all
But will not let me rest
Some manipulative lover this
An ill fitting bastard of a friend
Forcing words



Wipers play
"so young"
and the rivets shake
with the afternoon freight
across Thunderbridge
and a dream shatters
like a breath through
the crystal flakes
braking down from the
ragged clouds
atop the town

the seeking light
its golden rays
catching windows
and sleeping cats
and icy attics
empty of bats

snowflakes pause
on your eyelids
quietly you step
past windowshops
and the townhall

"Haute Cuisine"...

The woman and her boyfriend
were looking for a mark
A robust, dark and handsome man
was sitting in the park

Killer disappointed
no vacant hotel rooms
sat on the bench and brooded
Whistled tuneless tunes

His baggage in a pile
all around his feet
marked him for a fish
these two cats could eat

Hey Monsieur, you look so glum
what’s the matter here?
Killer says; I’ve got no room
and I really need a beer



I am geometry in slow motion
straight lines and right angles.
I move my body with great precision
in time and space decisions.
but with the falling of the sun
Affliction rises from the dark and deep
to violate my dignity again.
I become a puppet on a broken string
floundering in my flawed humanity….

THE DARK SIDE(complete)


Guess we all have a Dark Side but don't let it show,
Much prefer screams of laughter to screams from below
But I should let it out for some air, in the night.
Mustn't let it roam free though (huge teeth! what a bite!)

My Dark Side has taken and twisted my thinking,
I try to make sense of this world but it's stinking;
A pungent miasma from old good intentions.
With rancid assistance that needs disinfection.


Like crowds of people on this night
each random droplet of cool mist
moves errantly 'till out of sight
leaving bare limbs moistly kissed
by tiny jeweled reflecting beads.

And looking at streetlights up high
the motes of water swirl and dance
like pixee dust tossed in the sky.
Their movements are all ruled by chance
none knowing where the other leads.

nirvanic prance

into me
I wonder why the world saddens
as if twere I alone
seeking happiness
in the madness of misery
all alone
twas my lot perhaps
I may not moan
and add that many think of the mundane world
as bad,
but rejoice,
you are about to reach a stage of happiness
kiss and as you awaken your kundalini
Nirvana lays down bare before thee
hopefully thou shalt enjoy the prance,
some call it a mythical dance
but in heaven as drums beat
the Lordships enjoy a lovers retreat


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.