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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Thug In A Tux

poetry is a rant all dressed up in
co-ordinated colors and accessories
proper, respectful, no spitting allowed

a thug in a tux

passion, hog tied under a cumberbund
patent leather jack boots, squeaking
tip toes stepping lightly in prancy dances
dissing, with diction and precision,
the hoi polloi's rendition of "how it be"

affected pretensions
honored with sap, and toasted high
while peeping enviously
at the naked and raw rants
of a raging and unkempt belligerent



I see my future clear
I won't be here
come next year.
I have no need
of a crystal ball
no reading palms
no tea leaves in a cup.
I am in decline
all the potions failed.
My time is up.
What a pity
life works that way.
But at least I'm here today.

Hibernation Voices Merry Christmas

Hibernation Voices Merry Christmas
I went into
across the globe
unknown to anyone
no laptop
no cell
no connection with the outside world

but now I learn
none misses anyone
when gone for a wee moment
what will or does happen
when we have gone
on the path eternal
none is missed
But some friends like
you are the only one
who dost exist
I insist

Who Can Survive Friends Like That

I'm the queen and you're the king.
If I can't be treated as such,
I'd rather not participate
in her shenanigans.

why should I be dethrone
and take the humble status
of being last all the time?

it's not so much being last that bugs me,
but the way you treat me when I take liberties.
I know I'm seen as pushy, bossy, a know it all-ler,
my way or no way.

Saying No To Red Lolly Pop

Love was everywhere
In high school
girls and boys made babies

but boys would say
“It's not my baby”

girls with big bellies
looked a fool
with no baby daddy.

in my heart, I said
“I'm not falling in love
with a boy
or having sex”.

“he won't treat me that way”
“No” was my favorite word
ever since first grade”.


I Swear I'm Not A Stalker But, I Imagine Things.

i am lurking in a corner of the cafe,
waiting for my sister, just three more hours to go,
and diagonally across from me there are two people.
the woman talks
and the man smiles, watches
i am compelled to think that he is in love with her
from the set of his mouth to the way he tilts his head
he hunches forward, forearms on the table
it all radiates warmth.
i hope she knows it.
they sit close and i can't tell from this alone
if they are together
but i like to think they should be.

I Want You To Know

Before being sandwiched
in every day's mundane chores,
those frivolous issues, and some more,
I come to read you,

I smile.

Secret Skies

In luster above our heads it dances
Stealing our eyes for those unblinded
Sweet greens and dark purple entrances
Expanding dimensions for the broad minded

In waves of solar storm it shakes our sky
Particulate matter excited and fast
Shine bright as solar winds pass by
Molten light from plasma at last

Zenith above us heads tipped up
In awe and amazement
We gaze in the heavens
And ignore the pavement

One the other side

There's trouble brewing in the pasture
Green foliage fading around the edges
Eaten through by insects on the bushes.

On the other end flush green grass grows
Oaks and pines bearing vines overgrows
And she peers into the unknown.

Some say the grass is never greener
But a mirage or something bitter
On the other side, to her it looks better.

She think a lot about traveling
Leaving her troubles where she's confined
It's the comfort she longs in her mind.

Neglection Of The Missing Moon

the long fade
in naked windows
and empty spaces

the crumblings
dusted away

nothing breathes

the last sounds, sent
rattling in crates
smelling of then;
when here meant them
...and part of me

but, all did not fit
for them, not enough

now I'm alone
left with only misgivings

on their way
to find what was missing


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.