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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Dream Destination

Hope was in driver's seat
coursing on the subconscious freeway
dreaming to a pseudo destination
just beyond the stretch of imagination

Flashes of brilliance leading to a tunnel
"Park your bodies , let go of your final breath,
This way to Salvation"
proclaimed the Signage



You have no friends for company
So you entertain your transparent ghosts
Together you walk hand in hand
With your translucent hosts

They feed you words of violence
Used to break the perfect silence

You stare at the walls in misery
So you listen to your invisible demons
Together you talk face to face
With your crystalline fiends

Their lies you happily spread
Open their mouths to be spoon-fed


I have sat upon
Kaatskill Falls
For a millennium

My arms searching
Reaching skywards
My roots spreading

I have become gazer
Standing testament
Of long times spent

I have witnessed
The inhales and exhales
Of countless days

I have witnessed
Mankind’s brilliance
In fortitude and defeat

I am the original
Birch Tree who
Extends her reach

I am now a grove
Of Birch Trees
Canopying the falls

I am the Sentry
Watchwoman of Earth
Anticipating my rebirth

Oneness, interrupted.

Growing weary of talking
at the end of the night
we fall into each other
loosing our grip
on the boundaries of Self
We begin to merge
becoming One

Then, she stirs
with a wriggle and
a trump
wakes with a smile

We laugh,
Our Oneness interrupted

pot plants


hapless indulgences
animated silences

hankered imagination
ambiguous synapses

each way you turn
each thought you churn
new lessons learn

potted flower plants
line your driveway
mind you don't crush them


A Facsimile of the Human Psyche, Unravelled

I have prayed, before
and got a positive response
but then, much to my dismay;

I found my wish
for peaceful bliss,
won't be turning out that way.

Expect too much,
dissappointment will be your crutch,
the rays of regret will rain until your face gets burned,

because it all adds up
to another empty cup,
and just another lesson to be learned.

What I'm goin' through
is a kind of healing time
for both my broken heart, and head;

The Poet And The Monk - 3 Haiku suite

a moment, captured
in gentle eloquence
the poet smiles

birds sing, children play
a monk tends chores in silence
what does he not know

Ah!Ha!, says the monk
the poet bows gracefully
hiding a sly smile

Isle of broken windows

Lightning flashed a thousand times
Early morning light
On isle of broken windows
So far out of sight

Out of sight of neverland
Morning, pouring rain
Spate of wind comes hurtling
Blowing cobwebs from my brain

From my brain come all these words
All these words and more
It hears the door close softly
Perfumed departing whore

On the isle of broken windows
Watch out where you step
From here has come from ever since
Where we have never slept

Greed (in three different forms)

Freeform (my comfort Zone)

I am what damns your soul,
the negation of your hopes,
the madness making skeletons
of children
while watchers suck
cooked meat from bones;

I am despairing mother
crying for her babies
in the cold,
their father jailed
for stealing what would
fill his children's
empty bellies,


One poem, three different forms

Western Classic

Two suns circling out in space
seen so many times by Hubble,
locked in gravity's embrace
without planets or other rubble.

Some so close they exchange mass
each thus gaining from the other
as their shared times slowly pass;
never alone, they've one another.

We have a love which is binary.
Where does one begin, the other start ?
Envied by all those, ordinary,
we two who love and stand apart.


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