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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


AS AUTUMN FADES (splash pool workshop)

It won't be long now I see
'fore the calendar catches up with me
and we will both be in late fall
close to hearing winter's call
and reaching final destiny

When the autumn's come and gone
and I see winter's first chill dawn
shall I face the last season with fear
knowing the final cold is near?
I guess that I'll just carry on


Reclining over the chandelier,
He sold his innocence for a glass of wine.
His pendent kept her heart to his,
And clasped it forever like a gold casket.

A little lie can hurt a bit;
He buried her in a diamond box,
And took it out with him to sea
On the first day that he was born.

He smelled of sludge and scented roses,
Dined of fish and crustaceans,
But when he'd wished himself to die,
He'd set his eyes upon a star


In clay from ancient times,
our tread has deepened, faded,
graded its declines, those patterns of our gait
translate the size and height, our stance.

We rise to walk upright,
seize weapons of the hand and mind,
our troubles multiply,
our brains try hard to understand.

Have we, do we e'er progress?
We think it so; we know;
and still we make the same mistakes
that man made eons ago.

Systematic Crashes...

I don't know why it happens
there is no warning, reason, rhyme
but crashes are drawn to me
they happen all the time

There should be some alarm
"This system's going to fail"
I could prevent a nervous break-down
and another computer-sale

living dangerously and following the tail

I was watching the Moscow Cat Circus
on youtube the other day and I thought
my cats would never have done
this. They live on a rogue planet where their
dogs steal the show with obsessive, mad tail-wagging
and slurpy, wild, wet kisses.

Last thoughts while drowning

Perhaps I should have learned to swim better
maybe it wasn't so smart to paddle out there
in a fifteen foot cyclone surf
on a paddle board
Mum and Dad
will be so mad
I wonder if
I'll get in trouble?
They say your life
flashes before
your eyes
when you die
this shouldn't
take long,
I'm only

The Alien D.J.

The Alien D.J.

Oh Mr alien please land near me
just like the DJ says
don’t go to Africa or the middle East
come to where comfort obeys.

You don’t want to see the starving
or hear the wailing of the oppressed
Come to sunny Florida, New York, Paris
or London, maybe that would be best.

You see here we have class, culture,
no one hungers but our silly slimmer’s
I’m sure there’s more for you to see
we even have lights with dimmers

Booze Hound on Ageing

Oh fickle youth why do you forsake me?
I'm a husk, with craggy skin, worn and weathered by countless summers.
A furrowed brow, ploughed by care and worry.
Crows feet creeping from tired eyes.

Dough like flesh, dimpled and folded,
needed and rolled.
Puckered and flaccid.
Sexual appitite waning

Filled with bravado
Flim flam
And fakery,
Topped up with whiskey.

Heart stops beating.
A deafening sound,
Silence echoing.


HAGGIS HORROR by Ian Thomson

My Love and I went hiking on the slopes of dark Ben Down,
Thick mist descended, we got lost, strayed off the path to town
My heart near stopped, as through the murk, I heard an off- tune whistle.
The chilling sound as bull Haggis played pibroch on a thistle.


Self seeks expression
Like our oil flow station
Connected to a reserve
Refineries meant to serve
Suffered serious sabotage

Locked and neglected
Dust speaks for the rejected
Our resources misapplied
Hardship thus multiplied
With tests, temptation and trials

Turn on the safety valve
Let crude from the other half
Be refined by the essence
That which gives us presence
To exist and be who we are


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.