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The View From Here

The View From Here
Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

It is honourable that you were so ready
To go to battle
For a better world.

Your village deserved
For you to fight for them
Like only you can.

I know you really loved
The ones
You sacrificed it all for.

I know the greatest thing
You will ever have done
Was to save someone else.

I only wish there could have been
Just one small thought
To save yourself.

Written April 2, 2024
© 2024 Kelly Ann Wilson

Hurry Patience!

The details of you have blurred
over the years since you've been gone,
but how I miss you still has sharp edges

that cut the ribbons of my memories,
laying them bare and exposed
against all of this night of your absence.

I’ll keep trying to patch the ribbons together
into something beautiful so I can remember you
only as daylight, and the jagged loss hopefully,
with patience, no longer cuts when I visit you.

More'n nine months on...

and still I feel infuriated at myself
concerning squandered funds
passively, senselessly, and willingly
surrendered nest egg
to computer hackers
(imposters, jackknifing, and liquidating)
coercing me to forfeit funds,
whereby yours truly (me) blindsided
thru convincing telephonic dialogue
witnessing unquestioned trust

April Foolish

While strolling down this grassy lane
at a lovely slow meandering pace,
when who should I spot, but a brown Rabbit
decked out in tails, I then gave mad chase...

In his tux, dodging obstacles,
closely I followed, eager to catch him.
I was near, but he vanished down a hole
on his heels, standing at the holes brim

Without thought, I threw myself in.
Down, down, down, down I was ever falling,
hitting the ground upside down with a thump
Rabbit to my right, I began calling

The Globe We Leave

The community of human kind
Born from centuries long ago,
Have given forth their worthies
So that we could learn and grow.

It takes more than one small village
More than one way to live each day,
As we live our lives forever more
Because of those who paved the way.

From common stock to worldly kings
On strong backs and sweat of brow,
Those that toiled so that we might lead
Give forth their globe; Our time is now.

Gray Wolf

Leather coated in gray stains.

The mug, is laying on the floor, the coffee.

Is spilling out.

The wolf, slowly, comes closer.



I want simplicity - a clear cut path.
I want a big yellow road sign pointing me where to go, and a GPS, kindly reminding me which exit to get off at.
I want the robed figures on my tarot cards to open their mouths and speak to me, to give me some directions I can scrawl on scrap paper and pin to my cork board.
I want my professor to teach me about purpose-
what should I do with my life? Who should I love?
Biology is boring I want the real stuff.
Tell me what clubs to join, what people to avoid.
What to eat, How to be hungry.


Her laugh is soft, it flutters
As butterfly wings in spring.
Her dark eyes wide, they sparkle
As the purest diamond ring.

She is the sweetest angel
That any man could know;
Yet deep within her ageless soul
Dark vices wrought men woe.

She loves to woo and taunt them,
To lead them on with guile,
To bring them pain and misery
Bestowed with lasvicious smile.

Her pleasure is to lure them
Bind them helpless then,
As victim snared in spider's web
Inflict pleasure close to pain.

Sweet Visitation

Do you come again!
Sweet visitation,
Do you come again!

Do you swell my heart
And lift my mind,
Do you come again?

Often have I waited,
And in the waiting
I was always low.

But now the hot tear
Rolls from my eye,
kisses down my cheek.

How I am overjoyed!
Simply you are here!


Rising from the abyss raven blackness
Mist caressing following the undead.
blood thirsty for bags of dark blood.
and to feast the fist shaped life pump.

down essence of once human existence.
succulent juice Falling from the chin and

Soaked wet lips. Drinking sucking from
a scarlet stream digging in two pointed
Canines clamping on the jugular vein.

Dripping sinking pointed ruby fangs, a deep
hue like Burgundy Wine. The Hemoglobin
vital treasure a life giving red river.


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