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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Small Talk

Talk to myself, not much to say.
Radio on, headphones too,
as morning wraps the walls
in candy stripes of light on light.

Weather forecast, where and when.
‘Background briefing’,
news about news,
stitched like a ‘fiver’ to my hat.

Two conversations layer cake.
Breath, a true measure,
says goodbye to that.
‘Tipping the lid’, developing mannerisms...

Specious?... More scandals;
make a gesture, feel the veins,
tense tendons,
like Mime at the anvil, start to work.

Plump Hurrah

needle hanging by its thread
the light of a moon
upon a bed

cups with worry buttons
in its ocean of dust
the bright cascade
of snow
and the broken trusts

sickle smile
cut the mile
a bootheels grind
sharpens an eye

worry hurry come
the eve
where the ghosts
come to sit

and never leave

Killer's Roadside Picnic...

The engine of his motorbike drones on in sympathy
Killer’s mind is numb, there’s nothing here to see
Hunger strikes his stomach, like a sharpened knife
There has to be some bad-guys here; brighten Killer’s life

Now on the dark horizon, there is a distant light
It flickers, flares and beckons, calling through the night
A campfire in the desert, reflecting chrome and leather
Biker-men and broads, enjoying party weather

Come Away, Come Away

Come away, come away
As I lazily lay
It was the last day in the month of May,
When it said come away, come away

Still I sit, never flit, out of wit
In my chair in the middle of nowhere
To go anywhere, I surely do care
But still I sit there, in the middle of nowhere

Nothing better to do - So I'll do this

Remembering times seem often harder to recollect

Similar to blank thoughts after a bounced check

Being proven wrong when the whole time

Your thoughts were correct just not on point with the period

The end of my sentences get ran over Most times I forget the period

I'm serious as a fatal heart condition finishing Thoughts

Can drive someone sane down an interstate of delerium Forgot the exit

Forgot my limit at birth cause since then I've never had one Releasing fact is fun


Fear is fearful, all around in dark of night,
when all is silent, velvet black, no sight,
the stars shine extra bright, while spiders
creep about the wood, moose and mice
might meet, we step on soft things, hard,
not knowing what, the perfume rises
takes the scene; the slightest movement
stirs our thoughts, we listen now intently

I told you not to listen to bad directions

I dreamed
a herd of elephants
walked through the house
into my garden
stopped and turned around
like a flock of blackbirds
changing direction,
they left the irony of ivory
in their path, they mingled
with the tusks of idols and
idolatry, they were auspicious
where they stood.


The heart is shaped
by remote shores

The lion keeps
its distant roar

A solemn vow
chased into view

As shadows walk
between and through


Sleepy eyes gaze from a distance
Faces so vivid
In seconds, are forgotten
Clothes change each day
Colors bright and sometimes gray
Faces painted
Smudge in the heat
Umbrellas in the rain
Like flowers in spring
Kites fly in the sky
Children chase dragonflies
Leaves fall; trees die
Seeds remain
A new sprout lives
New houses later repainted
Fancy gate now low hedges
Scenery is fast moving
But the sky remains unchanged...

Only One

These past years have
proved there’s only one,
And so will the years to come,
prove that my heart
belongs to only one

For there’s none more beautiful;
None whose soulful eyes gleam
like a beam from the moon,
Causing my aching heart
to swoon

None whose smile so radiant
can implant within me
a feeling unlike any other
Whose presence I feel more present
than the living soul of another


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.