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It can pull you together or tear you apart,
With a shattered soul or a broken heart…
A young man lost to the ravages of war,
Or a girl abducted on her way to the store…

The pain is real and it won’t subside,
You wear a mask but it’s hard to hide…
Friends will ask how you are doing,
You say you’re fine but a storm is brewing…

Fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers,
Each grieving differently than the others…
Some will sit quietly not saying a word,
Or scream in anger at what has occurred…

Life will never again be the same,
Your heart will ache when you hear their name…
But I hope you find courage in spite of the loss,
Like the lady who’s son was nailed to a cross…

The days will pass and the sun will rise,
Long after you’ve said your final goodbyes…
May the fullness of time bring clarity,
To those who have suffered a tragedy…

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Tragedy" explores the emotional impact of loss and grief in the face of tragedy. The use of contrasting imagery, such as "pull you together or tear you apart" and "shattered soul or broken heart," effectively conveys the range of emotions experienced during difficult times. The poem also touches on different reactions to tragedy, such as wearing a mask to hide one's pain or expressing anger.

The mention of specific examples, like a young man lost to war or a girl abducted, adds a personal and relatable element to the poem. However, it would be beneficial to provide more specific details or vivid imagery to further engage the reader's senses and create a stronger emotional connection.

The reference to the lady whose son was nailed to a cross is a powerful metaphor that conveys the idea of finding courage and strength in the face of tragedy. This adds depth to the poem and offers a sense of hope amidst the pain.

In terms of structure, the poem follows a consistent rhyme scheme

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Good poem,I think this stanza sums up the many reaction to grief

Fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers,
Each grieving differently than the others…
Some will sit quietly not saying a word,
Or scream in anger at what has occurred…

Thank you very much for your kind words

author comment

The pain is real and it won’t subside,
You wear a mask but it’s hard to hide…
Friends will ask how you are doing,
You say you’re fine but a storm is brewing…

these are the lines which resonated with me. Your rhyming is so smooth and fluent that I hardly noticed it. The lines just roll right off the tongue. It was hard to choose from as the whole poem is excellent.

*hugs, Cat

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Thank you for your encouraging words

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