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Reaching In

I've called so many times
Texted to see if you were there
You said anytime
And then disappeared

When I needed someone
To tell me my life mattered
When I was alone and afraid
You read the message and looked away

Like a puppet on the shelf
You've pulled the strings
Playing with me
To suit your own selfish needs

And every time I'd dance
For fear of losing
The one thing I thought I knew
My heart only bled for you

In the end,
I lost the only thing
I truly ever had

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Hi, Carrie,
A sad and disappointing feeling after trying to reach out to someone for their help, only to find they are not capable of caring. Yet the title seems to lend itself to turning inward - to take care of, and find oneself again. The final line feels like a strong realization and awakening.

You summed it up beautifully. It is gut wrenching but opened my eyes wide. I need to start looking inward and realize I am not always the problem or the only problem. Thank you for comments.


author comment

this breaks my heart. So disappointing. Your way of saying it is raw and really distinguished. I wonder how could anyone break such a tender heart.
I agree with our lovely Lavender re the title and the ending lines.
Be safe dear Carrie.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Thank you for your kind words. Sometimes my writing comes from a place of reflection and this is one of them. It is time to start reaching inward.


author comment

this poem really resonates...You know how to cut through the crap and get to the heart of the matter! my favorite lines are:

In the end,
I lost the only thing
I truly ever had

I know exactly what you mean!
*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thank you for your comment as always. As much as I enjoy the creative aspect of writing, I am finding some of my best stuff is coming from an honest place. Addressing feelings I instinctively suppress in a constructive away. While all of the valve is difficult, the realization that I need to look inward has been a game changer...even tho I still get stuck


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Welcome to Neo! Thank you for your read and comment. I am a work in progress but getting there with a lot of help from my friends!


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you are having such a hard time finding yourself. We all see what a beautiful person you are. You don't need validation, you need a realization. Your heart is not only on your sleeve, but also on this page. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I realized the only thing I really lost was myself, in trying to be what everyone else needed me to be and at the end of the day...the only thing I had was getting back in touch with me only helps move forward.


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"When I run after what I think I want,
my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety;
if I sit in my own place of patience,
what I need flows to me, and without pain.
From this I understand that
what I want also wants me,
is looking for me and attracting me
There is a great secret here
for anyone who can grasp it.

So I used to have this big circle, with the children taking a lot of my time and then Covid sort of played a role in the breakup of my former band; I really had to spend time alone for the first time in my life. It was scary. I didn’t like many things about myself. I had never been honest with myself about a plethora of feelings and so I hid those from everyone else. I felt like I failed myself and by extension my wife, children, and family.

I think we all become things we aren’t necessarily comfortable with or proud of to survive. In the process we lose really fundamental parts central to our very being. I was accepted to fine art school. I lasted one semester and didn’t draw or paint anything for 25 years. I’m back to that part of me now.

Same with writing for that matter. My English/Lit teacher in 12th grade had me pegged for a writer. I probably called her an old bag and popped a tab of acid.

These aren’t mistakes, they’re milestones on the strangest and most awe inspiring journey. A journey that brought me back to myself. A journey that has connected me with new friends who seek out the parts of me I love and encourage me to grow in those areas.

I think I speak for everyone when I say we all love you tremendously and we are glad to be a part of your journey.

One foot in front of the other, ad infinitum

Thank you! Everything you just said sounds like what I have experienced and been experiencing. I have gotten back to writing and writing honestly from a place that is deep and feelings I suppressed. I love the creative and dark parts of what I do, including sketches, but the honest part is very liberating. While the initial onset of these emotions coming to the surface were overwhelming, I am grateful for my Neo family and the small circle of close friends i consider family. Without all of you, these things may not have been possible


author comment

I felt yer pain, expertly laid out in such severe detail, that it made me flinch inwardly.

However, all that being said, it is one extremely well-composed poem that really got to me. I cannot tell you all the times I had people walk away from me when I needed them, so I can relate to where this comes from.

But, I can see you doing what I did as well. Turning inwards to find the help, and the comfort you need within yourself in order to move on with life.

I say that, but as I do I know about residual feelings not allowing you to ever totally move on.

Loved it. But not whatever happened to inspire its writing.

Really great job on this.

I am glad you were able to accurately interpret the poems meaning. I have abandonment issues that won't allow me to fully accept certain things and that is something I am working on as well as other things I discovered about myself. Writing is a wonderful outlet and I am glad you found this a good read.


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Indeed I did my friend.


and thank you for the poem -- it's very awesome and i like it a lot

Thank you for the read and comment.


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