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One at a Time

Now I read books that I had been saving for later.
Books from a time when I thought I'd live forever
and was concerned about growing bored.

Now I know even if there is a tomorrow,
even if it is a century long, it might not be enough
if I won’t stop postponing doing what I want.

The word postponing reminds me of a post office,
Bukowski I read often and like very much,
and a pony I never had but wanted at the age of five.

At that time I wasn’t sure what come first
ponies, little girls or their fathers.
I heard that many of them were lost.

I’d imagined a faraway town
where fathers making wrong turns
go in circles and ponies trot along.

I wondered how many of them
would return and bring sets of plastic blocks
and chocolate chess, and how many giant leaps
and small steps there were to catch up.

I thought that I might want to share my books
with one of them if he happend to come.

I also hoped that I'd meet Johann Sebastian Bach,
understand a thousand tongues, and grow roses.

Now I live one book at a time.
All organized from the floor to the ceiling
hard copies of old hopes and unread feelings,

I take them off the shelf one at a time.
I speak one foreign tongue, ride old horses,
and grow seven deer-bitten roses.

And father? Still did not come.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
Not sure if the use of tense is correct. I need help I have all the possible forms mix in one pile.
Editing stage: 


most poems I read have some personal idiosyncrasies in expression.
If not flagrant errors of grammar, I tend to accept them
I did not notice anything that bothered me...but I wasn't looking for any either

I like the way you interweave your disparate time lines into an engaging narrative
and your use of common vocabulary to paint an accessible, and moving, picture.

I enjoy your writing very much


Thank you, Al.
I am glad you find the lines worth commenting.
Could you take a closer look at the text ?
I am not sure I use the correct tenses.
Please, let me know about anything awkward that you may notice.
I am on the steep learning curve and may tumble down with a majestic swoosh and not one poetic license in the world could save me.


author comment

but do read neopoets latest trend for all

What did I miss?


author comment

Forum topic Community discussion - AC proposal: The Lab themoonman

I did read the proposal, not the comments though. Should I?


author comment

one must know
all about the enemy
friends and foes
and so you may decide

I will look again, but having perfectly groomed English is not that high on my list of criteria in order to appreciate a poet's work.
I can have fulfilling conversations with people who have heavy accents and imprecise
conjugational skills. as much, or more so, than perfect grammarians.

I can sense you are a high achiever, and would like to be the best you can be, and I admire that, but your present knowledge of English is astonishingly good, better than most native born speakers I know.

I actually like some of the "slightly off" usages. To me they slide by easily and impart a little extra character
I'm not advocating for a "no rules" policy, but I'd rather not be the one to police every jot and tittle. There are others who are all too willing to do that.

I won't hesitate to correct any blatant errors I come across. The key word is "blatant",
not just prissy stuff

You are doing just fine


Dear Al,
I appreciate your welcoming attitude and very happy to accept your point of view.
After all it is never clear what is the best in poetry. ( Even in science often it is not clear.)
It is the only reason why I write poetry in English, because I could find a tolerant ear.
But making deviations knowly as apose to blindly is my long term goal. I do belong to the generation of overachivers and conciently walking towards more Zen attitude.


author comment

A spello? ..i think you comment was meant for Al but it's good for All to know your thoughts.

raj (sublime_ocean)

It is automatic correction that my phone does.
I am sorry.


author comment

yes, know the rules before breaking them. I agree with that axiom
but keep the learning curve a little less steep
don't want you to fall off and hurt yourself


I am loughing, you are too kind.
BTW, I am a rock-climber and not afraid of hight.
Have a nice evening.


author comment

unread books only when read fill in the blanks, if not, remain as blanks

raj (sublime_ocean)

That is deep, my friend!!!


author comment

That's what those between the lines of your poem typed on my mind. I just wrote them

raj (sublime_ocean)



author comment

and as I write I'm trying to figure it out. I'm pausing between my seventh and eighth take in recording it. Normally I do it in one or two takes. Something keeps making me stumble on the reading and it might be to do with tenses. Let's try again and I'll try to read it as natural English as I can.

Whoa! Finally got it but had to play loose and free with your words. They are not intended as replacements, just listen to the difference in how they read.
By the way it is a fucking powerful poem. The more I read it the more breathless with emotion I became. Those last four lines are inexplicably powerful, sad and beautiful. This is timeless work.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Dear Jess,
Thank you so much for your reading.
Your voice shows that you are touched by my words. Something I was hoping for to hear from you but it is much more when it has come to reality. Thank you for rewarding me.
P.S. I carefully went through your reading and corrected the verbs in the text where noticed.
thank you for sorting it out a bit, i have a feeling it is not completely there yet though.


author comment

Books from the time
Books from a time

Now I know even if there is tomorrow
Now I know even if there is a tomorrow

At that time I wasn’t sure who comes first
At that time I wasn’t sure what came first

I wondered how many of them
would return and bring sets of plastic blocks
and chocolate chess, and how many giant leaps
and small steps there are to catch up.
and small steps there were to catch up.
[a perfectly delightful stanza]

with one of them if he happens to come.
with one of them if he happened to come.

I also hoped that I'll meet
I also hoped that I'd meet
I also hope that I'll meet

This poem just gets more rewarding with every reading, it's a bloody little marvel!

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

wonderful examples you've provided here of what little tweaks can do...a lesson for someone like me..


raj (sublime_ocean)

isn't this an amazing poem?
When Irene finalises her edits I think this one is headed for our Facebook page.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

it is what you say it is or will soon be with her edits...

raj (sublime_ocean)

thank you very much.
i have corrected the text, using all the suggestions.
It is helpful, I think i am learning.
Have a nice evening. Sincerely yours, Irene


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