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London Fog

I want to make you a drink in the morning.
Not coffee- because you don’t like the caffeine-
but I think that you could be a tea drinker.
Have you ever tried a london fog?
I will make you one.

I will take the mug out of the cupboard and heat the water until the pot hisses and squeals like an old cat.
I’ll pour it into a bright blue mug and throw in 2 bags of earl gray, let it steep, and finish it off with a drizzle of honey and milk.
I’ll froth some milk, with a little bit of sugar and vanilla, and swirl it over the top like a barista at the bougie high end cafe downtown.
I’ll hand you the bright blue mug and smile as you take a sip and I’ll kiss away the foamy milk that sticks like a burr to your upper lip.

I’ll ask you if you like it and you will say,
“yes, thank you it’s wonderful”,
and I will make it for you every morning afterwards until you confess that you really were never a fan, that you just wanted to make me smile.
We will giggle at our own silly nature and I will spend my extra few minutes each morning lying with you and listening to the gentle morning rain.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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Hello, MM,
Tender and endearing. Simple, yet with great depth. The bright blue mug adds a personal touch. A loving conversation during a sweet moment, and beautiful poetry.
Thank you!

Hi Lavender!
Thank you so much! I so apppreciate you reading and commenting :)


author comment

Lovely poem, I enjoyed the flow & making tea, it has a really nice feel to it. The simplicty of the poem is what makes it so good. Right, off to put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea, it has to be the dark deep colour of creosote. Ruby :) xx

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

Hi Ruby! i appreciate your comment and you reading my poem :) Thank you so much!!


author comment

I'm wondering if you have ever tasted Earl Grey tea?
Its a particularly foul brew with the sickly sweet nature of
Snow White in a whore house!

I've read a few of your poems, you are different, well done!


I have! Personally I’m a big fan of early gray with a bit of honey mixed in :) I like things sweet.
Thank you so much for your kind words!! My day has been thoroughly made!


author comment
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