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The Last Poem I Will Write About You

it’s funny how suddenly spring comes,
and I don’t hear your voice whistling my name in the winds,
and my favorite songs don’t remind me of you in the slightest.

It’s funny how this time last year, I was madly, deeply in love,
and now? I could not be in love with you if I tried,
for how can you love someone you don’t even know?

Did you cut your hair? How are your classes?
I will not ask, but that doesn’t mean I’m not secretly curious.
Still, please do not tell me; when I don’t hear you in the wind I hear songbirds instead.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem presents a clear narrative and explores the theme of moving on from a past relationship in a manner that is both relatable and emotionally resonant. The use of rhetorical questions and direct address to the absent 'you' effectively conveys a sense of longing and curiosity, while also reinforcing the speaker's resolve to move forward.

In terms of structure, the poem is composed of three stanzas, each with a distinct focus. The first stanza introduces the theme of change and the speaker's detachment from the past relationship. The second stanza delves deeper into the speaker's emotional journey, contrasting the past and present feelings. The third stanza reveals the speaker's lingering curiosity, but ends on a note of acceptance and newfound joy. This progression is well-executed and contributes to the overall impact of the poem.

However, the poem could benefit from more vivid and specific imagery. While the mention of spring, winds, and songbirds provides a basic sensory context, the poem might be enhanced by more detailed descriptions or unexpected comparisons. For example, instead of stating "I don’t hear your voice whistling my name in the winds," the speaker might describe the specific quality of the voice, or compare it to a particular sound or sensation.

Additionally, the use of the phrase "it's funny how" in the first and second stanzas could be reconsidered. While it effectively conveys a sense of irony, its repetition might be seen as redundant. Experimenting with different ways to express this sentiment could add variety and depth to the poem.

Lastly, the poem's rhythm and meter could be more consistent. While free verse allows for flexibility, a more regular rhythm can enhance the musicality of the poem and make it more engaging to read or hear.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

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