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Favorite wintry memory

December comes in a sign
of winter form
when mother nature is
putting every flourish
into sleep at rest
in a calm scenery
covering up the earth
in a white blanket of snow
driving everything into decay
showcase in a gloomy stage
trees are going barren
with falling leaves
flowers are fading
losing its splendor color
fresh cold icy droplet
sitting on the branch
filled with frozen air
capturing a sight
of emptiness
in the heart of Ice Land

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Not Explicit Content


Hi, Hon,
Beautiful! I love the multitude of words put together to form this wonderful visual of December. I think my favorite word is "showcase." It reminds me of the glass snowballs, but with more honesty and appreciation.
Thank you,

I am also hibernating
wintry chilly no snow
breezy wind and chilled rain are worse
in Ontario
met said so
stay inside be warm

I was a bit reluctant to comment for those who don't respond back to others' comments on their poetry.
Anyways, I decided to comment on this one to say that this is a really good entry. I thought all is giving the judges a hard time.
Just wished that you'd throw some punctuation to guide the reader easily through.
Just me.
Wish you the best.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Summed up quite eloquently. Well done.


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