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Fair Maid

Eyes deep and radiant
within the fairest face;
a figure lithe and lean.
Each curve and gradient
exudes melodic grace,
through sweater and old jeans.

Though temperatures rise
and pulse beats start to pound,
in bust of perfect size
a loving heart is bound.

More fair than meets the eye;
look deep, for looks belie.

Editing stage: 


She may be the best person one is liable to meet but everyone has their flaws.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

author comment

Very nice flow with piece excellent writing I'm now a fan of yours.
Your friend,
Mario Vitale

Mario Vitale

with the notion of fans. There are many poets here I admire and read avidly but I stop short of following, being content to read as they make new posts.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

author comment

Well, I can't read anymore. Thank you. I don't .know what goes wrong with the first stanza, it seems way out to me. Clunky is the word I would use. Perhaps a rewrite, I think ... 'In sweater and old jeans', maybe.

on another poem's comments, sorry if my writing style upsets you in any way.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

author comment
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