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Exist, exile,
when set aside
for that last mile,
a trial at close of day.

Why me, not you.
'Tis for the few
to end at break of day,
my life not easy,
trouble free,
and yet it had its way.

Through times of joy
and times of sadness
times of freedom,
times employed.

Twinned the two halves
joined in gladness,
mother, father's seed
developed into me.

What magic
that we live at all,
mysteriously understood,
the chemistry of matter,
solids, particles,
bones and flesh.

Changing places over years,
blood and consciousness,
include a formula,
that random took its place,
in present times, its power,
its grace.

When we understand
the whole
loose face,
the universe
so vast a form in flux.

Like glazes
in the white hot kiln,
their unpredicted fusion,
clay and rocks reformed
as glassy liquid.

Soon to be a solid surface
and we,
the human race
are only shards.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Last few words: 
Inspired by Joe's Exist-poem on my " Nobody's Reading" Ann of Norway.
Editing stage: 


Thank you for peeping Lonnie, it was as you can see also inspired by the underlying feel of Joe's own problems, plus the puzzlement at all that is, and what it is we do not know; certainly not what we are. But then we have to accept that there is no why, it is what it is isn't it?


"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

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