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Cats of Australia have made their choice,
except this one name Royce,
family gave him no voice,
in advertising jingles he doesn't exist,
Royce has tendency to resist,
always runs away,
when Andrew Lloyd Webber they play,
( meow ) says Webber stinks all day,
: Cat On Hot Tin Roof " better movie play,
often looking for vitriol to spray.

Visiting military Salisbury Plains away,
seeing Royal Corgis in bay,
thinking he'd play prank,
jumping up scattering them under tank,
Corgis squashed continuing stank,
later privately King.In.Waiting giving thank,
also giving Royal Charter,
showing discussing Magna Carta,
K.I.W. being like father,
combining with Royal Imprimatur,
emboldening cat travel farther.

K.I.W. concerned,
thinking Crimea, Ukraine, Novichok, Litvinenko,
asks cat to go,
Moscow Putin,
avoid gettin' shootin',
turn Putin around,
stop him being international dark clown,
cleaner reputation,
enabling him join world nation,
witnessing coronation passing crown,
minimising global frown.

Cat from Australia,
seeing no way failure,
recalling Julian Assange, Edward Snowden,
Chelsea Manning,
starts trip planning,
arriving Moscow friendship fanning,
preliminary meeting junior comrade,
followed by senior apparatchik escapade,
then appointment Putin made.

Putin stickler for being on time,
has with him I.T. fake dog K9,
busy in lab,
mixing poisonous scab,
agitated rushing their blab,
knocking Petrie dish over,
instantly corroding fake favourite rover,
panicking embracing poisonous junk,
following quickly his defunct,
international tensions potentially in clover,
Gorbachev cheered back,
international tensions hitting the sack,
Russia attending UK coronation,
Australian cat first public,
new Kings commendation.

Hawk north Americans,
butts kicked by Putin,
Australian cat theyr'e salutin',
inviting to White House,
roasting him spectacularly grouse,
bigger than Mickey Mouse,
impressioning his paws Hollywood Boulevarde,
not having work hard,
getting starring roles movies T.V.,
prioritising expensive soon will be,
Hollywood Hills biggest resident celebrity.

Cat adjusting Hollywood party life,
converting Islam or Mormon could finance several wife,
bank balance bigger than Cuba GDP,
recalling " Smiley, Dimboola, Picnic at Hanging Rock,
Adventures of Barry McKenzie, Cars That Ate Paris,
Muriel's Wedding, Bliss, Priscilla Queen of the Desert",
missing quieter friendlier cool ways,
Sydney Harbour, Opera House, Coat Hanger,
announcing clanger,
Royce has made his choice,
leaving Hollywood celebrity going home,
living Australian way jingle free,
Australia cat paradise,
catching mice,
Mmm fresh nutritious nice.

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