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Angelic Footprints

Angelic Footprints

The time to praise is now capture the call
We have come to close not to turn back now
The call to be brave amidst a battered soul
Think of the times you have wandered in a crazy world
Through book marks along the edge of time
A solemn vow to proclaim the many blessings
Be strong to lift the many burdens that ome our way
The angelic footprints among the morning dew
We sprinkled it's flame amidst the fragrance
They sit silently to every word that is being heard
Through solace we stake our claim to what is real
A bridge that crosses the hedge of our mortal existence
Such as two shadows in the morning prancing through the center
They angelic footprints are there to lift the burdens
His greatness is unsearchable throughout life's twists and turns
They will teach us lessons of the kingdom the true source
The best and worst of man won't change the masters plan
Let everything that lives reserve it's truths and ways
Until at last we reach the mighty heaven's shore

Review Request (Intensity): 
Please use care (this is a sensitive subject for me, do not critique harshly)
Editing stage: 


First, Happy 2017!
I read your poem and though I'm not a religious person, I do consider myself to be spiritual. Having said that, I believe this is written with the desire to encourage us to see life in positive light, rather than allowing ourselves to let the craziness of this world bring us down. I believe we all hold that power within, we just have to search inside ourselves to find it.....many times, easier said than done! And that's just my belief, it's not meant to change anyone's thinking!

As for the typo's I found:
line 2: you have the word 'to' and I think you mean 'too'

line 7: you have 'ome' where it seems you mean 'come'

line 14: you have 'They' and it seems you meant either 'Their' or 'The' both; doesn't really matter which one you choose though I might go with 'The' since later in the sentence you use the word 'there'

line 18: you have 'it's' which would mean 'it is' as opposed to 'its' which is what i think you're going for

Thought I'd point those out to you. I know when I proof my works, it doesn't matter how many times I'll read it, I still have been known to miss something. I think it's because I see the words in my 'minds eye,' so therefore I see them spelled correctly on the page, and/or I see the word in 'minds eye' and assume it's on the page when it really isn't!

Best wishes,


but he didnt! and I liked that when they wanted him to ride into
that town on a great stallion he chose an ass!
Mule/donkey...the work truck of civilizations!
The Ford of every man then!!
Not the Acura gangsta fast ride
like a caddy with its glide

I think in a way the bible teachings saved me
Imagine if my pops was a bad ass
even if he didnt teach me the bad ass ways
which a lot of them dont
because they are like magicians
If U got it in U..You teach yourself!!
secrets are secrets!!
competiton is everything!!

anyway...with values..
without I cant imagine
how I would have turned

Great poem!

thank you Chevyvent!

Mr Wolf!

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