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When you fall out of love with Mr. Wrong

Don’t lie to me
Nothing you say now will ever touch me
Nor will it affect me like before
When the wintry cold storm of your anger
Burned like frost between my toes

I don’t get it
No amount of ridiculing will make me see it
Nor will it help me get the jokes
When the bluster of your words
Move me from my peaceful state

Behind my bastions of cement and brick
Swords and daggers safeguard my heart
Fighter planes loaded with denials
Create a no fly zone over my fortress
When you try to tear down my wall

Nature of Love at Sunset

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Let’s climb a mountain

A mountain thriving with laughter and daisies

And feast as a sunset drop


Let’s swim a river

A river flowing with affection and roses

And hug under a starlit sky



‎"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer." Albert Camus

Walking in your shadow
I had to stay back
Be undermined
Give you slack
Try hard
to be what you needed

your ambivalence wavered
Till the decision came
Suggesting you
had made up your mind

But know this -
There are lovers
for whom longing
is enough...
I am not among them.

BB 25 October, '10


I’d give up this sumptuous life
to join an Ashram
sleep on nails or cold as, floors
under darkened skies, with dead-stopped clocks
behind broken locks of discarded rooms
filled with their eternal silence,
deafening out the droning,
dumbing down the knowing,
flagellating this tempestuous longing -
just to be within reach of


On His Blindness
By John Milton (1608-1674)

To All The Poets

I appreciate you commenting on my poems. I just wanted to say that it is a bit hard for me to comment on everyone's poems. I don't have complete access to the internet. My cousin is going to college online. That takes up a lot of my time to respond to you all. I do get a break every now and then. It may be short lived, but I do my best to reply. Please except my apology. I will comment the best I can in the time frame I have open. Please
forgive me. I hope you can forgive me. I thank you for your time and comments they are a lot of help to my poetry.

Thank You,

Regal Blossom

orange,pink and crimson
spicey scented delicate petals
early blossoms of summer fashion.

Fantasy Man

Fantasy Man

Simple gestures that make me smile
His caring touch to last awhile
A man of honor to admire
Not a cad or a common liar
A humble soul who is kind
Of kindred thoughts: we're of one mind
Whose laughter makes me want to dance
In him, I 'll always take a chance
Whose very presence make others stare
His movements like a gentle bear
At home,he loves to cook and sing
In him I’ve found my everything

Like Braille

I read your poetry
Like braille
My feelings running
over the rich texture
Of your own
My fingers running
Over the words
On the page
And there, there
I find my own heart
I know myself

And if all would say to me
I cannot know myself
Through the words of another
I could not argue
But my life,
My life has slowly righted
Like a listing ship
Tacking round
To fill its sail

A Crescendo of Observation

Betrayal endured
Wrath engendered
Rage resides
Where love is ended

The line is drawn
The plot extended
Once eternal lovers
No longer foes befriended.

BjR 6 March, '11


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