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Editing - polished draft

Windship Fortune

To lose a day to ennui
Is an abhorrent loss to me

To idle through a waking day
And never leave the path to stray

Where no one else's mind has trod
Thinking thoughts like seeds in pods

That germinate and grow to be
the waves that froth beneath my lee

As my vessel charges full and bye
towards lost horizons 'neath a sky

Of cerulean blue and popcorn cloud
I sing in riots of rounds out loud

To thank my God that I may be
Alive this day of fantasy

Remember Me

Remember Me…
When the air is soft
When the forest breathes
When the water sounds
When the sun is ripe
I will be your friend

Remember me…
Where the sands sigh
Where the snow deepens
Where the clouds weep
Where noise is constant
I will be your refuge

Remember me…
When all is turmoil
When peace is illusive
When rest is over the horizon
When the day is broken shards
I will be your comfort

The Visitors

A visitor called the other night
I think his name was, “Death”;

there was a hideousness about his eyes,
an icy chill inside his breath.

He spoke to me of a journey
if I’d promise to commit;

where the irritating sounds of life
would fade, and stay unlit.

Then another visitor came along
and I believe her name was, “Life”,

just because of the way she looked at, “Death”…
and made him put away his knife.

While offering some coffee
I showed each to a chair,

Not Dead Yet

Somewhere in this growing pain
Grows life,
Skin of anguish thin across
Junctures caught between
Lust and joy
In simple pleasure
And heartbeats shared
With panting breath
And growing heat

Somewhere in this madness
Lives calm,
Pooling deep inside
The constant craze of unstopped living
In moments drawn
Out into stillness
By knowing look
And secret smile

And an Ha'penny Coin

I took a stroll the other day,
and even though the day was grey
I spied children playing in the sun,
an elderly couple holding hands,

and an ha'penny coin that had not yet, begun to lose it’s lustre.
So, I put the ha'penny coin in my pocket.

I continued walking forward into darkdom

unbeknownsto & inbetween the shadows

apparently, just for added effect;

Point Omega

Point Omega
(to Don Delillo)

decay sees through scaley eyes
glassine atoms cracking
flinging electrons
rapid fireflies colliding.....sparks

eternal experiment has failed again
its' designs fall to the will
of the pack
gold verticle eyes aiming the gene of destruction

spun ancient and thin, dreams of a collapsing universe
it pleads for rest out of time
implores to throw off matter
once again

to become

stones upon a molten field

The Instability of a Desert Twilight versus You

When the shadows arrive a bit, early
the moon giving just, enough light
felines, and canines both playing together
and running off into the desert's cold night;

out the corner of your eye,
something moved, over there, just then;
must be twilight in the desert, once again!

Relax everyone, keep your heads clear
don't fixate on the fact, none prepare
no-one could possibly.....ever "ready-up"
be the first of your kind if you dare!

Canto Eight ~ Though many would dispute it, for little conclusive is known even now of the Clovis, Colonel Cridge is the greatest man of this age in Life’s Lurien and perhaps the world.

Canto Seven ~ It is Late at night and the boy crouches near waiting for his hostage to wake. He has ministered to the warrior’s injuries and takes only passing note of how swiftly they appear to heal. All accrued in combat with a monster the boy knows nothing about. His anxiety grows.
The man is more exquisite than any he has brought here and of a strange nature whose origins play tantalizingly at the memories he denies.

Gated (shark pool show and tell)

nice little town you've got here

...too fucking nice!

something's off

a league of live large liars,
deep under glossy lawyered cover-ups,
splashing white picket defences
with thick slick ivy veiling elocution

chambers of societies,
(those good ol' boys of legend),
siccing macho maddened
barrel bottom mercenaries
on any, and all, interlopers
of their Private America

a dreamtown
van winkled
refusing to come of age


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