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Editing - polished draft

The Fox Ledge

If you find me in your dreams
Would I reside in oaken grove
A chasm between silver skin
And green umbrella up above

The trail to which is lined in birch
Not paperbarks but tall and black
The smell of root beer on the air
From shoots I chew whilst on my back

Interspersed, are maple trunks
Tall and slender, growing fast
pine, witch hazel, aspen too
Peppered through with sassafras

Petals to the Patriarch?

Why don’t we gift men with flowers?
The question puzzles me
Perhaps the delicate petals do
Affront their sexuality

A few could certainly paint them
Rembrandt and Van Gogh
He really liked his sunflowers
But I’m in love with Picasso

Although, we give them singles
For weddings or maybe prom
Carnation or rose adorned lapel
Pinned with pride by someone’s mom

I’m talking about big bouquets
Bunches, a dozen or two
Purest white lily, iris violet,
Billowing clustered hydrangeas of blue

Different P.O.V. ...

In looking through the keyhole
there stared an eyeball back at me
I was really fascinated
and then there was a knee!

They listened at the door
I heard them breathing then
I was frightened, but excited
so I looked just once again

Little breathing whispers
who is that, that is there?
I heard another voice
"Come back, cause I don't care"

"Peeping Tom is at our keyhole
Let's make love again
give them quite the show
what we're doing ain't a sin"

Pentameter of the Heart

Beating in time like a galloping trot
Dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum.
Drumming it’s sure song with all it has got

Token light pounding resides in your chest
Dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum.
Speeds up when you’re active, scared or distressed

Booming bass drummer not so confident
Dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum.
A lone heart explodes, it’s cold armor rent

The fastest of all the songs it has played
Dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum.
The mile I ran or the love that we made

Another bloody aftermath

Today I Systematically Smashed
Our prized wedding photograph,
Used the shards to cut me deep,
Couldn't bear for you to hear me weep
Or try to be kind to me,
You know self-love doesn't come easily.

So, I stayed sat in the bath,
Of another bloody aftermath
My poignant pain was well deserved
The pitiful penance had been served
Didn't want you to hear me breathe
"I'm so glad that you didn't succeed"

Dream Garden

We dream beneath a blanket of stars
The vastness of which approaches infinite
I reach up and pluck the brightest one
And place it in your collection basket

Hold this dream for me my dearest
In such case as I forget it
For waking minds our dreams do trample
And leave us full of false regrets

Plant it in your hearts’ green garden
With care and light so it may grow
A fledgling universe of dreams
Like all the other seeds we’ve sown

Too Young

On my eighteenth birthday,
I was blue and depressed.
Didn’t want to grow up.
With childhood I was impressed.

Now in my fortieth summer
The world really amazes me,
I still think and wonder
What yet to do and be.

I am still curious like a child
With thoughts and actions rather wild,
I hate to do what I am told.

Nothing is what time means to me,
I still don’t want grown up to be.
I’m just too young to be old.

It Never Ends for Freedom

Freedom lusts for me,
with a gentle chill.
Draws me
catching the Lunar heavenly thrill.
Freedom betrays me,
with a fierce gloom.
Chains me
into the Earth's hellish tomb.


I ask myself if I love you? Am I attached to you
in the way you always say you are to me?

I test myself by thinking of being without you,
or of something bad happening to you

These tests stir a deep sadness in me for a time
The pieces of feelings assemble now with clarity
This is how I build my love

Once upon a dream of mine
When hopeful was an easy game
Life was difficult of course
Rolled off my shoulders just the same

I’d claim dominion of my days
Each step I took with added spring
When I fucked up and shit went wrong
What else was there to do but sing

Obliged, the world starts leaking in
Finds ingress through tiny cracks
With help of bitterness so cold
Quick, expanding frost attacks


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