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Editing - draft

only your BFF would truly understand

paisley print
sunflower smile
sat alongside
a leopard that ate parsley
paw in hand
waiting on the sand
for flying fish
to skip upon
cobalt banners
as lazy breezes
pan-fluted recollections
of this Iberian summer

The Light of my Existence

The truth of my existence
was in my father's eyes,
he loved me with his whole heart
in between tying his ties.

The fight for my existence
was within my siblng's reach;
I vastly underrated their
abilities to teach.

The aire of my existence
was urged along by friends,
taking me down pathways
that taught me of the trends.

The light of my existence
lives in my mother's eyes;
she loves me unconditionally
when I let her down, she cries.

Dream a Dream

Wishing my life away, dreaming a dream
buying a lotto ticket, not just me
Imagining a win, the cat got the cream
Ah, pay me mortgage, buy a wee mini
Doing whatever I want, be a scream
A few donations, sort out family
oh wow, my life will be heading upstream
If only reverie was reality
all my old sins, I atone and redeem
old friends out of woodwork , a mystery
Suddenly remembered me, it would seem
Basking in luck, revelling in glory
Ah well, may as well dream here as in bed
try getting into black and outta red


The sound of silence
can fill a room
the atmosphere
clouded in gloom
anger permeates the air
not said, but its there


The crunch of crisp snow,
white snow,
bright snow,
the crack of twig,
the sharpness of the icicle above,
the weighted load,
its shift,
the swish of skis across the lake,
or through the wood.

The sound of space
so quiet,
around our beings,
wrapped into the world.

We huddle to keep warm,
we watch the stars be born,
the light of dawn is dimmed,
as the sun journeys on,
on its shortest day,
over the sky, above the grey.

Teacher's Pet

Teacher and schoolgirl ran away
out of the playground he wanted to play
for a long time she was groomed
in his presence, she bloomed

Teachers pet, lots of treats
extra stars and tasty sweets
he boosted her self-esteem
believing she shared his dream

He forgot about his loving wife
thought they would build a new life
he took her away to a hotel
thoughts of their activities, I quell

Namby Pamby

Namby pamby attitude
I'll be told I'm rude
pandering to criminals need
praising him for his greed
payout by insurance company
because he got hurt doing robbery
something is seriously wrong
victim lashed by judge's tongue
I'll be told I'm being radical
bring in someone practical

A Precious Glimpse

Rambling rants of a disturbed mind
genius in his day, one of a kind
fighting against some archenemy
flailing and arguing continuously
family visit heartbroken
in their eyes, no need to be spoken
on a good day he just ignores
their presence, one of his chores
on a bad day swearing and cursing
a painted smile they've been rehearsing
the man they knew is long gone
but in their soul, his memory shone
they keep hoping for a breakthrough
a precious glimpse of the person they knew

a breaking in the silence

whisper to me in dark places,
unshackling my mute form

revive the thousand voices,
I have sustained in a forever
unspoken and formless
so as to be forgotten,
it was in a night-scape,
the void of sound
negated speech

I break into flight,
with an oath choking
on my first cry

I drift on the hair of my nape,
as the weave of my cloth
spirals, for a moment

as gums bleed out
the rhythm in my shade, refrains

A Golden Eagle

A Golden Eagle


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