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Editing - draft

M.I.A. ...

Riding nightmares to the war
he screams out his battle-cry
No-man’s land is lonely
he sees the bodies sent to die

A blackened field; trees burning
the horizon flaring red
He knows the streaks of fire
have come to claim his head

No sleep for him, or rest
for his weary soul
He cannot claim a victory
he never reached his goal

Supposed to bring his buddies home
He promised all of them
We’ll get through this boys
though how’s beyond my ken

Parents Without Children...

Murderess and murderers
Such black and evil collusion
She as guilty as they,
There should be no illusion

Killer finds the address
Not too far away
He thinks he’ll make a visit
It must be today!

There are women lining up
No more babies for them now
Jobs and parties more important
“I cannot be a cow”

Killer has arrangements too
Obligations he will fill
To ‘Parents Without Children’
Taking kids that would be killed

Attempting to take Ian's Advice ;)

I know you hate to break the truth, my dear,
For me you no longer shed a tear.
You've never shown your love to me,
As far as my eyes and heart can see.

"Don't cry," I prayed,
I'll be here to stay,
If you return to me
Forever mine you'll be.

And if I fail to see your face,
You'll run away but I'll end the chase.
I'll tie you to my heart with cord,
But if you escape, I'll seize my sword.

Let You Go

I was sweet when you came to stay,
But I clenched my fist when I gave you away.
I saw you break and burn and rust,
But it was clear that you broke my trust.

Why are we both so mean?
Why can’t we just come clean
And mend the past to score the present,
With happiness, then our anger relent.

“I love you, I love you!” we once had said,
When all was fine before fear and dread.
Then when I realized nothing was true,
I closed my eyes and away you flew.

You Can't Take it With You

Squander your wealth on selfish wants,
Spend it all with no regrets,
Because taking it with you,
You might as well forget,

No you can’t take it with you,
And you won’t be coming back,
This much I know for sure,
Cause I ain’t never seen a Hearse with a luggage rack,

No you can’t take it with you,
This much is plain,
Because your dead,
So what use would you have for it anyway,

Spend your money,
Or give it to a friend,
Don’t worry about how much it costs,
Because you won’t care in the end,


I’m present
but absent
but gone away
body visible
spirit invisible
people talking
not listening
private battle
to heal


I'll take your hate
every last bit of it
and hold it close
until it turns to love.

I'll hold it close
until it turns to rain
until it turns to smoke
that black fire rainbow
until it turns to mist
and I watch It melt away.

I'll watch it fly away
as it grows soft wings
up up and away.

I'll watch it fly away
as it grows strong wings
up up and away.

The Treasure Chest

I invite you to open the treasure chest of our mind
The more you look
The more you find
Savor the golden ambrosia from our mental cookbook.

In the space of the Universe, infinity abound
The mind the micro-mirror of the macro
Thoughts, feelings, ideas, creativity profound
Abundant harvest from little seeds can grow.

The problems of the world weigh heavy
Rotten thoughts produce inferior fruit
Change the flow and open the levy
New results can begin to take root.

Hostel Intentions...

Stealthy stepping from the alley, moving in the dark
Killer went patrolling, the little garden park

Gray and black, the shadows, corners full of alone
There were figures in the fog, but they were all of stone

Killer watched the paths and by-ways, he didn’t miss a thing
Almost silent feathers heard, as a cagey owl took wing

Senses honed to sharpness; chasing monsters made them so
He sniffs the air for odors, his eyes run to and fro

A Paradigm Shift

It feels so disconcerting

this paradigm shift,

that tramples through my thoughts like, shadows gray;

if I start to yield a comfort

because a spin doctor's around,

then my resolve has just begun it's sad, decay.

You may completely know this

shearing of our ledgers,

it happens as with a whisper at the dawn;

yet, everyone still heard

each perpetuated lie,

they can start, & end the shearings' on our lawns.

No sadder fate exists in life

than being drawn, & led astray;


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