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At times
I curl up into myself
head low on my chest
arms in my own embrace
my thoughts no longer run to dreams
phantoms of fantasy
or to memories of bygone days
hauntings of the dead

I steal myself away
to quiet places inside of me
in whispers I speak
an unholy litany
to keep th the beasts at bay
as they begin to devour me
my soul and my body

I know there are those timEs
it is better to give in
and let them have their win
for this momentary eternity

Editing stage: 


Not to worrry. I have both hands working better. Surgery successful on left. right is my Parknson side--will get worse as the dsease progresses. But I am ABLE NOW nd will fight to hold back the "Beast" as long as I can,

thank you, Rosinella


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she had Parkinson's and live many years cooking for herself and my uncle. I still can't imagine how she did it. But when she caught house on fire and was forced to let her husband care for her she went not too long afterward , so doing all we can to keep moving keeps us living longer despite the challenges.
Wishing you best as I lie here in pain not giving up

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

I was diagnosed two days ago as being in last stages. Barely can move but I do.



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there is nothing lime friends in times like these

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

there is nothing lime friends in times like these

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

Yes !!!

author comment

To Joe from Mo

If only for a moment, eternity would give in

Sit on the now, as the time for eternal will win
Try to look forward to the eternal light
Not in a silent moment, nor the middle of a night

If only for a moment, eternity would give in

mms 8.19.11

Che Bello my Joe Geremia friend

Glad you are out of hospital and on the mend. In the last three weeks I am also on the mend from surgery. I found out when I do not focus on the me, the what and why I feel this way, there comes a breeze in the winds to take my thoughts and feelings to a distant place. One in which there is no pain and there is no struggle. We shall all hopefully get to this place and until that day, you just know someone cares and loves you. Me:)

Hugs to you my friend. Stay well even when the body tells us otherwise, we must fight the beast as you say, for we need the body to uphold the mind and the mind to uphold our bodies. Blessings of wellness and love sent your way tonight.


If only for a moment I could see
what is beyond my mortal entity
if only for a moment eternity would let me in
and let the shadows fade
that haunt my every days
and steal nigiht dreams away

No one said t was gong to be easy

thanks, my dear f riend,


author comment

We just did a duet poem together how about that! You want to post it. I just love this and seems we are both on the same page with it tonight. Unbelievable.
I go to the porch.
I look to the moon. I know this body will heal itself soon.
We can only hope. Time heals.
Surgery is rough and I am also looking at more surgeries. I will never give up writing though. no matter how the body pains me. Even if I have to do the voice over..

I love the two poems put it into one. Joe and Moe's masterpiece. Bravo Maestro

Smile I love you guy

Great idea, You must post it, Mona.

author comment

I will work on this tomorrow.

Nite friend

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