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rains hiss upon the skin of ground
the debris hubris of humanity
and worn seasons gifts shed
with thick winds and
gusty showers

Leavings of you surround me
the ghost songs
saturate the walls
and infiltrate my dreaming

the warmth pervades
upon the cold flourescent
light cast
everywhere my memory
walks you are there

receeding waypoint from

this trail is my own
winter shall arrive in her
mink white mantle
and I need time
to feed the hungry spirits
of mid winter


Editing stage: 


everywhere my memory
walks you are there

O like this and nice write. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods:)


winter is finally here slowly
I miss her..I am stepping into my own life again
loving my room my library time my meeting times
etc my reading hours..
Its easy to be absorbed in others life
but sometimes its nice to take a distance
to appreciate the majesty of the whole!

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the bottle was no comfort
but a doorway to hell
where I wandered and left the good
and brought back the very bad
from the hangover jitters
the mirror stranger staring back
getting meaner and meaner
and the depressions blacker
and then black

I remember love maidens
whom took me in
tasting the wild edgy cut of my soul
the anger sizzling and happy
no wicked tears then
the rains would fall later
collapsed upon her lap
stroking my hair
her hot tears on my neck
and on her fingers
drawing down my spine
dripping from her breasts

and the gentle snows falling
through the dark pines
and the hunger like a sadness
aching in the wasteland

days of rarity come and gone forever
for not many are lovers of Mr Wolf
come close to their hearts like
a fire Feirce they burn
recognizance loyalty
when I howl in my empty realm wanderings

so few held dear

author comment

favorite S-

Leavings of you surround me
the ghost songs
saturate the walls
and infiltrate my dreaming

i really connected here. this aloneness, this common denominator bringing us poets together.

Great poem, and this is one i get, or rather i've read and enjoyed to suit. Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

tragic poets
caught up in the fueled love fires
scorched by the rejection letters
and poor reviews
those that fell

read their biographies their autobiographies
how they climbed and fought for their
place of poetland sanctuary
and how the weakness of the flesh
and heart brought them down
that simple human pleasure of
being accepted and loved

their creative fires and addictions
driving others away
the ruins of madness to wither
and linger in
till death was more a substitution
of love then Life and the hurly
lust of the fans itself

Poets are beautiful complex
lonliness the great driver
the great hunger
and how some starved
fed breadcrumbs while
they gave steak!!!!

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