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your chrome is tarnished
our histories dripped
dark rain ran

tracing tactile love
with our blade sharp
tasting the brutal
krush of lust
in timid laceration

give me a bruise of nouns
and let this cartage dream
decks of cards
the value of passions

kiss me my queen
let the gate rule
squeal open

Editing stage: 


like you are writing about a car. LOL But knowing you, it is another of your great poems about a woman. Great to see you working, I will try to catch up on what you have been writing. ~ Gee

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Yes Geezer relationships are vehicles in which we agree to "ride"
with, for, too.

been watching much cinema and how the screen flows characters
carefully and a lot of beautiful movies are made from really interesting
books It is about a woman whom once had known me
now its dream realms and houses spilling shadows
rain on windscreens and telly's talking to empty rooms past midnight

winds beneath stars warmed by heat wave gardens
nightmare stirred rest
and cold cloth comfort on tender foreheads


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