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drops of you

the smell of you
permeates my skin
drops of you

i am a bow for your
plucking, you are my

play me

Editing stage: 


This is a sensual poem, but I'd change the word smell in the first line, maybe you could say, 'your trace permeates my skin,' or 'the trace of you permeates my skin'.


Stand tall, be proud to be who you are, give the world the finger!!!!


I did not want to make this a sickeningly sweet poem....using scent of you or fragrance of you, so the *smell* seemed appropriate when engaging in animal lust, modified with a little *music*..



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Stand tall, be proud to be who you are, give the world the finger!!!!

Hmmm. This is a purely sexual poem, Ian. The bow refers to body and the instrument refers to well... you know...and so by now you can gather what song is being played...?.

Thanks for reading Ian. And maybe it is a cliche. lol.


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