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Wisdom etched in life

We should be wise and
I have come to know birds in all their flights
are wise and more travelled
than cheetahs and planes. Yes,
they have wings. They chose to fly
than we that chat away our orgasms
in a tit-for-tat razzmatazz social media.

I see them from my window
roof tops and tanks on flowery drapes -
in Obosi see, near the rivers of Niger,
all kinds all wise all busy
camouflaging in the rain clouds
of October afternoon after Mass;
chauffer-driven by the winds
in search of daily manna. Of prophesy
of sermon in the holy books:
Matthew six twenty-five thirty-four,
the word of the Lord thanks be to God!
And we worry crazy
in motivational lines of faith.
Not the birds.
If they should speak and we listen
we will grow wings and fly in wisdom,
worry less and fly more.

Not your crib but your qibla.
Follow Su'eddie and Romeo
in poetry lines.
Flap your wings and take to flight.
Imitate the ways of the birds;
like the birds and nomads,
worry less what tomorrow brings. They'll
fly beyond the campaigns and elections still,
in obedience to the skies. Eating still,
the corns of the fields. Unifier of times and tides, wisdom come
as we roll away wise and fly.

Last few words: 
Worry is universal. So is wisdom. Like the birds, we are to worry less what tomorrow brings. Tomorrow will surely come. It always does. We make the best of it by worrying less and applying wisdom to navigate the sharp bends of what life throws at us. This poem is my way of capturing all these.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


it would be good to be a bird and just fly away. Worry about tomorrow when it gets here. I like the light and carefree way of this piece but beware of winding up like the grasshopper! How freeing it might be to just fly away, leaving your troubles behind. It reminds me of a song my mother used to sing: "The Sunnyside of The Street" Good feel to this one. ~ Geezer.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Quintessential Geezer. Thanks for coming by my poem with your nice commentary.

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