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cold one

in the fridge
while the sun burns bridges
through the blinds like a cage
the car crouched ready for
take off....
half a far...not fast
drive calm

an empty suitcase on the floor
fingerprints on the cellar door

the television eyes flicker
visions....wander the rooms
like ghosts
casting shadows
from the night to the dawn
grab an hour
on the couch

one shoe in the hall
the other at the front

a cold fan circles
the room
keeping the stale
pale air stirred

ice melted in
the drinks
the afterglow
of a storm

while the clock
and the town
shrieks mutely
behind the
dark trees..


Editing stage: 


Thanks for sharing


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

happy this one spoke imagery....
I love image...evoke senses
not always understood
the mystery...ersatz wonder...
dazzling and dull mute

thank U

author comment

Loved the write, just one thing where your first line seems to be totally alone, as you then show us a great picture of everything around.
It seemed too isolated by just writing that way as the title should have been the first line maybe another title and put the first line inside to complete the write.
Or is this the way you wanted it to be ????
Yours as always Ian..

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Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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