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the rain roars
its voice threshold
on the limbs
the sure branch
the flat rooftops
through summer
winter held

this fan is an ocean
a surf forever curling
shunting time in
the thick tropic
waves burying me
moment by dark

days unravelled
i kept count on
the cheap watches
hoarded like
windows boarded
the swift needle
swirling in my vortex
like images of dreams
terrible and torrid
falling like rains
down the drain
of the cortex

words were the
loved machinery
never spared

unwinding now
the source
of its motion
i kept my dark
forest sacred

the limbs a labyrnth
the light like a tomb
lost now in the pall
thunderous and bold

i keep falling
in this cloak
of soft diffusion
a sweet

Editing stage: 


the second and the third stanzas and I could feel the sadness and kind of disappointment all through,


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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A piece that will wander with the rain till it catches the sunshine to emblazon it with a colour not seen but felt.
There you should protect yourself from the dreams, that drive many to the edge of reason.
A great write young Wolf, and may you run trails that are clear,
I see you there looking behind you as if the past would catch up with you, be assured it is gone forever,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

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