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_v a c a n c y_____

astride the plastic truths
rain falling like silver hoops
shop stolen vermouth
drizzling in a patter

pooling reflections
the dazzle blaze of
your eyes
"what's the matter"

seconds curling
within the steel
curtians soothing
drone keep television

whisper to a sigh
the stagnant
heap of order
like a wolf

peach tranquility
luminous on the
extended thigh

ghost ships in
bottles freed
the surly messages
like ticker feed
in germination
feilds of nocturne
and nails
painted white
as moonflower

wills and ways

wants and wilds

the afternoon silver
light bathing
the frost of night

the clouds framed
with winds remorse
the pain lulled

Editing stage: 


the title says it all.

"fields" rather than "feilds" I trust you wanted.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

a place much for so many...almost sacred...these..
thank you....

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