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Community News

May 2024 Contest Wins!

Congratulations to our May 2024 contest Winners. 


05/24 Romance was won by Hon with the poem Romance

05/24 New Member Contest  was won by EmanuelSfatcu with the poem Shine

05/24 Ode To A Service Hero was won by Mr joghe  with the poem  A Tribute To The Hero

05/24 My First Car was won by Geezer  with the poem '59 Plymouth...

05/24 My Favorite Childhood Toy was won by Alex Tanner with the poem Granny Overthere.

05/24 Locked In Basement was won by RoseBlack  with the poem Locked In A Basement

Mother's Day Image Prompt Contest Winner!

This winning poem of the Mother’s Day image prompt contest is

Mum... You and I by Rula

Let us congratulate Rula on another contest win.

This week the Neopoem is

 Loving You by  hippiemoon

Let us congratulate hippiemoon on another contest win.

Neopoet Weekly 05/12/24 to 05/18/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is


Mosquitos Suck!
  By William Lynn


Congratulations to William Lynn for racking up another contest win!

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


A Boy Made of Art

Your eyes are the same colors as Claude Monet’s “Water Lilies”— did anyone ever tell you that?
Don’t ask me to tell you anything about the painting, I’m not a fucking art history major (I’m not pretentious enough).
But the blues and greens— I swear Monet used your eyes as a palette.

Did anyone tell you your smile was crafted by Picasso?
I know he painted in abstracts, that explains the slight crook of your smile.
I know you don’t like your smile much,
But I’ve always loved Picasso.

Where art thou unknown spellcaster?

If in fact such a female and/or male exists
an insufferable existence clamors for surcease
against riptide of ineradicable anguish.

Living hand to mouth
for majority of mein kampf
(elle ex vee orbitz
roam'n around the nearest star)
punctuated with disequilibrium,
a comma date ting me
with penury and perdition.


the whales come in from the ocean
and a man pushes in on the queue
I glared cause we’d waited in line
don’t know if he’d given his time
Whale stranding is a natural thing
sometimes you can tow them out to sea
Whales don’t watch tv
A pod will follow a whale in trouble
17 thousand eight hundred and fifty
stranded cetaceans in UK last year
housing the homeless, feeding the poor
we fondled our thoughts and watched suits on the tv that night
euthanasing whales is a hard decision
so I took my dog for a walk


I wish I was imagining
But loving someone your whole life
Is nothing but an unending sorrow
A shattered illusion of happiness
A reminder of what could've been
But never was
A headache that never fades
A fractured mirror reflecting shards of a fractured heart
A fading memory slipping away
like sand through an open hand
A rain-soaked street reflecting tears shed in the darkness
A forgotten chapter lost in the pages of a story left untold
A fading heartbeat echoing in the silence of a lonely room


Having sex I didn’t want
With someone I no longer love
I turn my face away
So he won’t see the tear drops
Trying to escape my eyes.

I make the moves and sounds he needs
To think we’re still a couple
But in the hollow of my heart
I know that he’s a little boy
And I can’t be his mother.

Feeling Lost/Take me home

Take me home
to where I belong
This is my prayer
and this is my song
give me food,
give me music
to change my mood
give me courage
give me strength
so that I could
work a day's length.
Give me the lyrics
and give me the song
that will teach me
the right from wrong
Give me the words
to educate my tongue
teach me oerseverance
to make me strong
Take me home
where I will be stronger
Take me home
not feeling lost any longer
Take me home

Spring fling flinching

There I am, alone chasing the cold,
Snowflakes remains, winter in my thoughts,
Believe me, you'd better ask her to come,
She looks at you, waiting for a call,
With somebody else you'd better be off.

No matter how many times you're asking,
You already know I'd rather not be showing,
My feet always get tangled, it all ends up in shaming,
Although I'm happy you thought about inviting me,
As for me, I'm not as good as you think for dancing.

Spring Fling -Spring in View

Spring in view
In beauty she brings
flourish in display
invigorate life with
a sense of relish delight
by the radiant sun
greeting gracious smile
imbued by the sweet
of honey scent
descend from the air
splendor fills the mind
mesmerize at sight
by the vivid picture
paint imagine scenery
beauty unfolds with
the exquisite stand of
the resplendent flowers
waving, forming in a parade
of line, birds are chasing, bees
are humming in a mellifluous sway

My Worlds

When I say I think the world of you
I don’t just mean this one.
I think Jupiter of you,
and Saturn,
and Venus,
and Pluto.
I think the Milky Way of you,
and the galaxies far beyond that,
my Andromeda.

Nation of peace (It starts with you!)

No nation knows peace,
we are all at war!
We're always trying
to settle a score.
Even the evangelist
with his eloquent roar,
condemns the lost sinner
whom he seems to deplore.
What if in passing
we could turn it around
and bring things together,
by kindness be bound.
Healing our hearts
with a heavenly sound
before all we know
comes completely unwound!
Turn to your neighbor
right here and right now
and offer your friendship.
We've got to learn how!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.