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He held her like a poem,
a breath of words,
a body of thoughts,
sentiments expressed in subtle metaphors,
that drove his heart to beat faster ;
never to feel a warmth of hand, 
a breast;
spun into fairy-tales, unreal. 

Style / type: 
Free verse
Last few words: 
They corresponded, but never actually met.
Editing stage: 


A lovely touchy feely piece that just made my memory spin,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Glad you got pleasure from this Ian,
Love to you in your garden of trees and other interesting plants.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

A bit different from you. I like it and wished I've written it myself.
I won't change a word.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Thank you dear Rula,
you sense the feeling behind the words well,
a breath away from reality, as one communicates
over the net, and there are many who do, I think!

Love Anna

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

visions from your rife imagination ...single ones will love to share ....what you deem to create the wildest of dreams they can't imagine love can simply flow ....from a single thought ....and seed electric currents of such high voltage ....none can hope to have bought



Yes they can be as intensely felt as if the persons
were close together, especially poets, can, their
imagination at top key.

Thank you, Ann.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

you speak from your heart


loneliness can bring two people together, even through thin air! Nice one, ~ Sir Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

That's it, and enhance the drudge of silence
by being a voice from the wilderness,
as if on the wind, whispered and shouted with love.

Like some of my messages to my knights in armour,
I send thoughts, when they are in battle, and I feel
sure they know they are there?

Love from your Queenie, Ann.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment
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