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Portrait Of RoseBlack (by: eddy styx)

Her eyes, mouth and stance
smolder, smiling suggestion
one slow minute holds a glance.
Adds many a wondering question,
what causes her eyes to be so bright
so full of hard won knowledge?
In their depth you could lose
your sanity for the raw pain held
in her wilderlands. Yet there
is a deeper homespun wisdom
at her core as she glows with
a base of swirling loves regret.
Pretty face belies the fighter,
who was born of hard knocks
and betrayal. Her inner strength has
changed her into the warrior
you see today. Slender frame
held firm and proud. So much pain
which did not break her. Bringing
her to the brink of despair.
Possessed of a wild spirit which
saved her and sparked her pride
into life like a protective cloak.
All of this caught and frozen in the
moment in the portrait of RoseBlack.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Thank you so much for this, Eddy! How well you have gotten to know me through our writing! I am touched that you would make me a subject of one of your poems! Thank you so much!!!


you are a fascinating person on whom to base a poem... there is a fire about you, and I'll bet it flares up if anyone threatens you or your loved ones. I think you have been hurt and abused and you reflect on all your years of learning who is who. you have learned to pick your battles, except for those when someone is stupid enough to bring it to you. I would not want to be an enemy of yours... for you have a deadly bite and little fear. I applaud you in every aspect!

ever, eddy

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You are the only person to ever call me fascinating and again I am touched. It took me a life time to gain that deadly bite but once in a while the vulnerable side rears its ugly head. It is in those moments I am faced with a battle between the two sides and am presently stuck in limbo as they duke it out. Thank you for noticing and reading me so well.


there are many facets to being you...I've only captured a few of them. like I said you have great depths. (and many layers) those that you show, and the ones you hide, I admire. I can picture you with a fantasy life as a hired assassin. way cool!

respect, eddy styx

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A good possibility...serial killer was another....


A well descriptive portrait. I always suspected that this is a real picture of our dear Carrie. But you did really good job anyways.
Here are my favorite lines
Slender frame
held firm and proud. So much pain
which did not break her. Bringing


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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but *eddy styx deserves the credit for this poem
*hugs, Cat

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I am touched and a bit surprised that my writing gives so much away but I am so glad to be part of the Neo family and have such insightful friends.


Just joking. I have known her for the best part of twenty years, and I would say that this is a really good picture of her. Thank you Cat, and all the rest for making such a great person a part of the Neo. family, she is a great asset to us all. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Omgosh, it has been twenty years, two grandkids and a whole lot of other stuff. I am grateful to have had such an amazing friend for all this time as well as a writing mentor. Here is to twenty more!


I couldn't think of anyone more deserving of the respect I have for you. I know how difficult some of these twenty years have been. I love my grandkids, thank you! It is a great bonus in addition to having your friendship. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

good friend Geezer! She is a vital part of Neopoet. I am proud to call her friend and ally. her writing is prolific and makes one think beyond their own borders. we are appreciative.

*ever, eddy styx
*hugs, Cat

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It was Geezer who introduced me to Neo, so he should get the credit for my being here. I am glad after some time away that I decided to rejoin. You are a wonderful friend and I am glad we connect the way we do through our writing. I am once again touched by your words as I don't consider myself anyone deserving of such high praise.


are glad of you being here! your poetry so often strikes a chord/cord in me it is so relatable! I feel as if I have lived your life, walked the same paths...I am incredibly glad you are part of my life through poetry. (and yes, credit to Geezer, lol)

*hugs and many smiles, Cat
*ever, eddy styx

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Hello, Cat, Eddy, and Carrie,
Aw...this is beautiful, and pretty much how I've come to imagine RoseBlack to be - the poetess and the person. Very wonderful, and strong.

You are a great friend and addition to Neo. I am glad to be working with you.


What a well thought out tribute. I’m still getting to know everyone but I feel like this is exactly the picture I get from reading Carrie’s writing. Well done Eddy.

Now, the comments are just heartwarming and I remember my first week of posting here. Cat, Geezer, and Carrie really gathered me in and shook the rain off my coat and set an empty chair by the fire for me. There is more to this site than just poetry and it is emotional connection. Lavender and Rula have been invaluable to our family as well as all the others.

Gorgeous job Eddy,

There is more than just our writing here. We have formed a unique and talented family and friendships that are just priceless. I am truly touched by all.


This was one tremendously wild and descriptive work. So many things about this piece to love. The title was good of course. The language was very well-crafted, and even tho I do not yet know Roseblack, everything you said her strikes me as true, because I can see every word, line and verse brought to life in her eyes.

Her eyes confront you. They accost and challenge you to be real with her, but come with respect. It's like the most intense feeling I get from looking at her picture. You can obviously see the hurt there, the heartbreaking betrayal from those she trusted who let her down too many times to count.

I have known such girls at other poetry sites as well. But none of them came close to matching what I sense about her. Again, it's her eyes that really get you. They give you a stare that makes you wanna do right by her and after learning more about her, try to be her friend. But a true one.

The pattern and pacing were fine. The theme was a most intriguing one, for it presents a sort of mystery for you to try and crack, which you may have done to some degree. But of course I'm sure there's so much more about the subject that no one will ever discover.

Which I'm sure is as it should be. For no one can ever know everything there is to know about a person. But it's okay because we all need a sense of mystery about us to keep people at bay, and yet still keep them peering within us as well.

The beginning, middle, and end were all wild, deep and fascinating. Overall it was a truly wonderful piece that I think does a great job of capturing a snapshot of someone who is so appealing and yet still very complex at the same time.

I really, really loved it.

Thanks so much for sharing.

Now that we have been formally introduced...thank you for your insightful, thoughtful analysis and comment. Feel free to stop by my page as I will yours. It is a pleasure to meet you.


No problem at all Rose.I am so pleased you enjoyed what I had to say. And thanks for the invite.

I enjoyed meeting you as well, and I'll be dropping by soon.

she is all you say and more, oh so much more. so complex with surprises and secrets. the dolt who hurt her had no idea what a treasure whose heart he briefly held and crushed... the kind of guy I married twice...until my true companion (and husband)came along. thank you for unraveling the "Portrait Of RoseBlack". her poetry is beyond insightful. it is a must to read!

*ever, eddy styx (Cat's dark half)

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if you enjoyed my poem, please read the work of RoseBlack. I promise, you will not be disappointed! thank you for your in depth review of my poem,

*ever, eddy styx

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This is a lovely tribute to RoseBlack. I didn't read the comments on purpose I didn't want to be affected by them. You've painted a picture of someone who's been through hard times in life but come out the other end stronger more beautiful & warrior like.


You have done a beautiful job.

Much love & hugs J x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

I wrote what I saw and felt ;) she is a wonder! thanks for reading and commenting.

*love & hugs, Cat

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