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Not Clever

Allow me to express myself
collect each thought to mind,
reveal the muse, that twisted elf
observing from behind;
secure the secrets of my heart
to guard my weary soul,
infusing joy in ev’ry part
can, maybe make me whole.

Pertaining to my manic muse
(ostensibly a friend),
eternally he will abuse
my mind to his own end.

For me, for now, for ever,
unbridled poet never,
not least, as I’m not clever.

Editing stage: 


to always consider one's words carefully and even if we do there is always the imponderable about communication, I may firmly believe I am saying one thing but the way another person reads it can be quite different indeed.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

author comment

For three years in school one boy bullied another. When they met again a few years later the bully could see no reason why they should not be friends. The victim could see no reason why they should.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

author comment

Your last verse. I always thought it's kind of cleverness if one piece reads differently by different people. Their understanding depends on many factors. At least you can't blame yourself for that.
Write on!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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it tickled my imagination to deliberately write sentences with two or more ways to read into them. I'm altogether a simpler (more grounded) person and prefer now to try and make a more solid connection with the reader.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

author comment
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