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brittle light's blog

Haiku # 16

deep forest
creatures skedaddling
men walk like thunder

Haiku #15

clean fresh Buddah minds
stainless saffron robes
my laundro-mat stinks

Haiku #14

little runing feet
laugh, a'tangle in coat and hat
the bus always waits

Haiku # 13

trees rustle, a rush
of little paws and clamor
a picnic basket

Haiku #12

Ah!Ha! says the monk
the poet bows gracefully
hiding a sly smile

Haiku #11

birds sing, children play
a monk tends chores in silence
what does he not know

Haiku #10

a confirmed recluse
his own shadow annoys him
living in the dark

Haiku #9

a moment, captured
in gentle eloquence
the poet smiles

Haiku #8

she waits for the mail
playing "loves me, loves me not"
again and again

Haiku #7

in the post office
her face on a poster
he cries


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