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brittle light's blog

That Guy (No Trouble Means Trouble For Someone)

yup! you heard right
she moved in
it's alright
even a hard-assed,
don't want to admit to nothin'
guy like me gets lonely somtimes
so she's in
funny though!
no matter how much I get from her
how everything seems so much better
with her around
I'm resolved not to give in one little bit!
no one's gonna fix me up like a leaky
old faucet
or somthing cheesy like that
tonight I resisted a sit down to
a fine looking meal

Love At The 5 & Dime

dime store lovers
a bin of trinkets
gifts to be treasured

Juvenile Gods (or Zeus' "bad boy" Nephews)

oh! the portentious pastimes
of juvenile gods
toying with people as if
dunderheaded clods

wiggly, squiggly,
they prod and they shout
we've got 'em where we want 'em
then rub the buggers out

birth to death
seems the blink of an eye
played full tilt boogie
by tweenies in the sky

Cheap Chic

grotesquely faux
sheets of
nuveaux linoleum

..."well, when you put it that way!"
..."but, also"

and nice

why begrudge prettifying
..."on the cheap"

Ambiance Challanged

the road-stop is dreary
the tea is good
Buddah orders, "to go"

It's All Good

I like the dark
I like the iridescing sun
I like silence
and the sound of giggly fun

I like dry desert heat
and cold rainy days
high brow dames
and low brows the same

I love feeling high
yet, understand sorrow
fond of yesterdays
and hopes of tomorrow

I like living
can't say much for dying
but if this pattern holds true
it will come without crying

Such Is The Way

a shift in the wind
an old hound sniffs the air
decisions are made


where everyone is going
following along

Truth be Told

I recount a story
to one, it sounds one way
I tell it to another
it is somehow different

no lies
no decptions intended
it just come out the way it does

I'm sure the person i'm telling
-his character
our relationship-
has somthing to do with it

yet, this does not account for
all the discrepancies
or inconsistancies


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